Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 7, Issue 4, 168-172Original Article



Pharmacy Practice Research Unit, College of Pharmacy, Taif University, P. O. Box: 888, 21974, Al-Haweiah, Taif, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Received: 10 Jan 2015 Revised and Accepted: 02 Feb 2015


Objective: The main aims were to measure adherence to diet, exercise and medications among hypertensive patients and to identify determinants of adherence if any.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during October-December 2013 at Al-Hada Armed Forces Hospital and Princess Mansour Community Hospital; Taif; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. All adult patients (>18 year) diagnosed with essential hypertension were recruited. A convenience method of sampling was adopted. Data was processed using the software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPPS). P values of<0.05 were considered as statistically significant.

Results: Overall, 144 patients were included. Of them 92 (63.9%) were recruited from Princess Mansour Hospital and 52 (36.1%) others from Al-Hada Hospital. Rates of adherence to exercise, a healthy diet and medications were 20.1%, 11.8% and 34.7% respectively. The level of monthly income was found to be strongly associated with adherence to both a healthy diet (*P =0.046) and regular exercise (*P = 0.004). Presence of other co-morbidity was found to be an important factor in the commitment to a healthy diet (*P = 0.012), regular exercise (*P = 0.028) and medications (*P = 0.002). Patients of ages <65 year were found to be more adherent to a healthy diet compare to elderly ones (*P = 0.007). Only 6 (4.2%) patients were found to be adherent to all studied domains. Adherence to all domains increased significantly with educational level (*P= 0.002).

Conclusions: Adherence to all studied domains was sub-optimal. Well-organized and individualized patient-oriented education is needed.

Keywords: Adherence, Diet, Exercise, Medications, Hypertension.


Hypertension is a major health problem throughout the world with high morbidity and mortality rate. Globally the disease affects over one billion people, seven million of them die each year as a consequence of severe complications and lack of adequate control [1]. In Saudi Arabia, the prevalence of hypertension is high with a considerable number of patients with uncontrolled disease [2].

Among hypertensive patients adherence to medications and lifestyle changes are important to achieve the desired therapeutic goal. Major lifestyle changes that should be considered and that help in lowering the blood pressure include: adoption of Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) –eating plans [3], dietary sodium reduction [4], weight reduction in overweight and obese patient with regular exercise [5], adequate intake of fruits and vegetables [6] and decrease saturated fat intake [7].

Several studies were conducted around the world to assess adherence to lifestyle changes and medications among hypertensive patients and to identify factors associated with non-adherence. IIoh et al [8] studied adherence to lifestyle changes among adults with essential hypertension and identified very low adherence rate especially to physical activity measure. Uzun et al [9] studied adherence to treatment, diet, exercise, measurement of blood pressure and smoking. They concluded that the rates of adherence to medications and lifestyle changes were generally low and the causes of non-adherence is different according to the type of adherence of the studied domains. In addition, researchers identified multiple independent factors that influence patients’ compliance with lifestyle behaviors like; patient’s beliefs about hypertension management, knowledge of hypertension and its management, physician counseling on healthy lifestyle and self-care practices [10]. Lyalomhe et al [11] noted a low rate of adherence to medications and fewer patients practiced lifestyle changes. They attributed this to psychosocial factors like depression and anxiety, fear of medication addiction and intolerable drug adverse effects which may have a negative impact on patients’ attitude towards treatment.

To our knowledge, no attempt has been made to assess hypertensive patients’ adherence to lifestyle changes together with compliance with to pharmacological therapy among Saudi patients. Therefore, this study was carried out to measure patients’ adherence to exercise, diet, and medications and to identify determinants of adherence if any.*


Study design

A cross-sectional study was conducted over a three month period, October-December 2013.


The study was conducted at Al-Hada Armed Forces Hospital and Princess Mansour Community Hospital. Both hospitals provide medical services for military personnel and their families in Taif Area; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Most of the patients who initially diagnosed with certain chronic illnesses at Al-Hada Hospital finally refer for follow up at Princess Mansour Community Hospital, which provide ambulatory care services.

Inclusion criteria

All adult patients (> 18 years) diagnosed with essential hypertension and who were on medical treatment at least for one month period before commencement of the study were recruited. The objectives of the study were clearly stated for the patients.

Exclusion criteria

Female patients, patients diagnosed with secondary hypertension and those with cognitive impairment were excluded. Verbal consent to participate in the study was obtained from each patient. Patients refused to participate were immediately excluded from the study.

Sampling technique and sample size

A convenience method of sampling was adopted and one hundred forty four patients were included from both hospitals.

Data collection

Data was collected through face-to-face interview method by final year pharmacy students. The data collectors received training on how to conduct interviews with patients. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. It was composed of two parts. The first one was designed to collect data on patients’ background characteristics (age in year, body mass index, residence, educational level, employment status, level of monthly income, and duration of the disease). The second part was designed to collect data on adherence to exercise and diet through direct questions.

The responses in this part were recorded as "Yes" or “No. Medication non-adherence was measured using the self-reported 4-item Morisky scale [12] which assesses patients’ forgetfulness about taking medications, carelessness about taking medications, stopping medication when feeling better and stopping medication when feeling worse.

Questions were answered as ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ and scored one point for ‘Yes’ and zero point for a ‘No’ response. Scores were summed to give total scores, ranging from 0 to 4. Non-adherence was defined as a score greater than zero. The questionnaire was tested with a group of ten patients to ensure applicability. Minor changes were suggested and consequently adopted in the final questionnaire.

Data analysis

Data was processed using the software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPPS) (Version 21). Descriptive statistics were used to describe all variables. Frequency and percentage were calculated for categorical variables. Patients’ background characteristics which showed significant association on univariate analysis with adherence to diet, exercise and medications were fitted into multiple logistic regression models to identify the independent predictors for the three studied domains. P values of < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Ethical approval

Ethical approval for the conduction of the research was obtained from the Research committee, Al Hada Hospital; Taif; KSA.


Patients’ background characteristics

Overall, 144 patients met the inclusion criteria and agreed to participate. Of them, 92 (63.9%) were interviewed at Princess Mansour Hospital and 52 (36.1%) at Al-Hada Hospital. Above 50% of the patients aged > 65 year old. Overweight and obese patients constituted nearly 85%. One hundred and twenty four (86.1%) was residents of urban areas and 112 (77.8%) attained the educational level below secondary. Nearly 65% of the respondents were suffering from other chronic illnesses concomitantly with hypertension, of them 70% had diabetes. Table (1) showed patients' demographic characteristics.

Table 1: Patients’ background characteristics

Background characteristic No Percentage
Age group in year
=<65>65 6876 47.252.8
Body mass index (Kg/m2)
=<25>25 21123 14.685.4
TownOutside town 12420 86.113.9
Educational level
Secondary & aboveBelow secondary 32112 22.277.8
Employment status
WorkingNot working 6381 43.856.2
Level of monthly income (SR)
=<5000>5000Missing 62784
Co –morbidity
YesNo 9351 64.635.4
Time since diagnosis with HTN
=<5year>5 year 30114 20.879.2
Total 144 100

Adherence to regular exercise

Only 29 (20.1%) of the patients admitted adherence to regular exercise 30 minutes per day for at least 5 days per week. Multivariate analysis identified level of monthly income [OR 0.08 (0.01-0.4), (*P= 0.004)] and the presence of other disease/s state [OR 4.7(1.2-18.8), (*P= 0.028)] as important background characteristics that significantly associated with commitment to exercise activity as shown in table (2).

Adherence to a healthy diet

Only 17(11.8%) patients admitted full adherence to a healthy hypertensive diet. Predictors of compliance to this important lifestyle measure were age<65 year, level of monthly income and the presence of other co-morbidity [OR 4 (1.5-10.5), (*P= 0.007)], [OR 0.4 (0.2-1.0), (*P =0.046] and [OR 0.2(0.07-0.7), (*P = 0.012)] respectively. In addition, the patients interviewed at Princess Mansour Hospital were found to be significantly more adherent to a healthy diet compared to those recruited from Al-Hada Hospital [OR 0.3 (0.1-0.9), (P*= 0.027)]. Predictors of adherence to a healthy diet were presented in table (3).

Adherence to antihypertensive medications

Fifty (34.7%) patients were classified as adherent to medications. The most important predictor of adherence to medications identified by multivariate analysis was co-existence of other disease/s with hypertension [OR 3.8 (1.6-9.4), (*P = 0.002)].

Table 2: Predictors of adherence to regular exercise

Covariates % n Univariable analysis crude OR(95% CL) P value Multivariable analysis adjusted OR(95% CL) P value
Princess MansourAl-Hada 10.936.5 5292 14.7(2.0-11.2) <0.001
Age group in year
>65=<65 9.232.4 7668 14.7(1.9-12.0) 0.001
Body mass index (Kg/m2)
>25=<25 17.138.1 12321 13(1.1-8.1) 0.032
Outside townTown 1521 20124 11.5(0.4-5.5) 0.539
Educational level
Below secondarySecondary & above 10.753.1 11232 19.5(3.8-23.6) <0.001
Employment status
Not workingWorking 9.933.3 8163 14.6(1.9-11.2) 0.001
Level of monthly income (SR)
=<5000>5000Missing 3.232.1 62784 10.07(0.2-0.3) <0.001 10.08(0.01-0.4) 0.004
Co –morbidity
NoYes 9.825.8 5193 13.2(1.1-9.0) 0.027 14.7(1.2-18.8) 0.028
Time since diagnosis with HTN
>5 years=<5year 15.836.7 11430 13.0(1.3-7.6) 0.014
Total 144

Table 3: Predictors of adherence to a healthy diet

Covariates % Yes n Univariable analysis crude OR(95% CL) P value Multivariable analysis adjusted OR(95% CL) P value
HospitalAl-HadaPrincess Mansour 69.283.7 5292 10.4(0.2-1.0) 0.045 10.3(0.1-0.9) 0.027
Age group in year>65=<65 71.186.8 7668 12.7(1.3-6.3) 0.025 14(1.5-10.5) 0.007
Body mass index Kg/m2 71.479.7 21123 10.6(0.2-1.8) 0.398
Residence TownOutside town 77.485.0 12420 10.6(0.2-2.2) 0.448
Educational levelBelow secondarySecondary & above 77.781.3 11232 11.2(0.5-3.7) 0.665
Employment statusWorkingNot working 76.280.2 6381 10.8(0.4-1.7) 0.557
Level of monthly income (SR)=<5000>5000 71.084.6 6278 10.4(0.2-1.0) 0.054 10.4(0.2-1.0) 0.046
Co –morbidityYesNo 72.090.2 9351 10.3(0.1-0.8) 0.015 10.2(0.07-0.7) 0.012
Total 144

Table 4: Predictors of adherence to antihypertensive medications

Covariates %Yes n Univariable analysis crude OR(95% CL) Pvalue Multivariable analysis adjusted OR(95% CL) Pvalue
HospitalPrincess MansourAl-Hada 27.248.1 9252 10.4(0.2-1.0) 0.045
Age group in year>65=<65 34.235.3 7668 11.0(0.5-2.0) 0.892
Residence Outside townTown 25.036.3 20124 11.7(0.6-5.0) 0.329
Educational levelBelow secondarySecondary & above 30.450.0 11232 12.3(1.0-5.1) 0.042
Employment statusNot workingWorking 32.138.1 8163 11.3(0.7-2.6) 0.454
Level of monthly income (SR)=<5000>5000 29.038.5 6278 10.7(0.3-1.3) 0.244
Co –morbidityNoYes 15.745.2 5193 14.4(1.9-10.4) 0.001 13.8(1.6-9.4) 0.002
Time since diagnosis with HTN>5 years=<5year 33.340.0 11430 11.3(0.6-3.1) 0.496
Total 144

Adherence to all studied domains

Only 6 (4.2%) patients admitted full adherence to the all studied domains. Educational level was the only noted predictor of adherence to all domains. Five (15.6%) patients who attained secondary and above educational level were significantly more adherent compared to only 1 (0.9%) patient with lower education [OR 20.6 (2.3-18.3), (*P= 0.002)].


Control of hypertension represents a major challenge and requires attention to both pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. Suboptimal commitment among hypertensive patients to these measures was reported in the literature and the consequences were well demonstrated. Measurement of the rates of adherence to lifestyle changes and medications together with the identification of its determinants is of utmost importance for the design and provision of health education.

In Saudi Arabia as reported in the above mentioned national survey for only 37.0% of the hypertensive patients the blood pressure blood pressure was considered to be controlled [2]. There is a gap in knowledge on what factors that may influence the control of blood pressure. The current study main aim was to measure the rates of adherence to selected lifestyle changes (diet and exercise) and medications.

Understanding of hypertensive patients' characteristics is important in improving the disease management. Older age (>65 year) was one of the most important noted demographic variable among interviewed patients, as elderly constituted more than 50%. Older age represents a major risk factor among others that influence the control of blood pressure [13]. Researchers noted a high prevalence of cardiac complications e. g. left ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction, coronary artery disease and left ventricular failure among patients with essential hypertension aged above 60 years [14].

Considering the body mass index, the majority of the interviewees were either overweight or obese. Obesity and overweight are increasing in the KSA [15]. Obesity remains strongly associated with diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertension in the KSA [16]. The nutritional problems in Saudi are mainly due to changes in food habits, illiteracy and ignorance [17]. Obesity was identified as independently associated with uncontrolled blood pressure, both in patients with or without cardiovascular disease [18].

Hypertension and diabetes are a critical combination responsible for the development of both micro-and macro-vascular diseases [19]. A considerable number of the participants in this study had diabetes concomitantly with hypertension. In the presence of diabetes, blood pressure control is difficult as diabetes was found among other risk factors as independently associated with uncontrolled disease specifically among elderly patients [20].

In the presence of above mentioned important risk factors that have a negative impact on the control of blood pressure, adherence to lifestyle changes and medications was found to be low among the participants. The presence of other disease/s was found to be significantly associated with adherence to all studied domains. Patients suffering from other chronic disease/s were found to be more adherent than those living with hypertension alone. Most probably, coexistence of other disease and the burden of multiple illnesses enforced the patients to adopt healthy lifestyles. The situation was more or less as reported in another gulf country and the factors for non-adherence were similar [21]. Researchers in Kuwait identified multiple barriers for non –adherence to diet among patients at risk of cardiovascular diseases like unwillingness, difficulty in adhering to a diet different from that of the rest of the family, and social gatherings [21].

The adoption of a special healthy dietary regimen is expensive and most probably low economic status may stand as a barrier to the commitment among patients with low income. This was obviously noted in this study. In another study, researchers identified economic constraints as an important factor that limit adherence to both diet and exercise among patients with chronic diseases [22]. In the above mentioned study [9], researchers obtained similar results and identified both the level of income and the presence of any other chronic disease as independent predictors of adherence to medications and other lifestyle changes.

It was worse to find that elderly patients (age > 65 year) were less adherent to a healthy diet compared to younger ones. A dietary modification is an important non pharmacological intervention to reduce blood pressure in elderly patients [23]. Cultural factors, lack of knowledge, weak communication with healthcare providers, illiteracy and the absence of health education may be responsible factors that justify this finding. Future educational programs should focus on this subgroup of patients and should be provided in a simple and a culturally acceptable way.

We hypothesized that the adherence rates to lifestyle changes and medications among patients followed in Princess Mansour Hospital to be better than those received medical care at Al-Hada Hospital. The assumption was made because the latter by its nature provides ambulatory care services. Healthcare providers in ambulatory setting have better chances to deliver intensive and proper health education compared with practitioners at the tertiary care level. The only noted difference between the two groups was in adherence to dietary recommendations. Patients interviewed at Princess Mansour Hospital were found to be more adherent. The obtained results demonstrated the absence of health education for hypertensive patients in both settings.

About 35% of the participants were classified as adherent to medications. Comparatively, in another study researchers found 57.9% of the patients did not use their medicines as prescribed and poor knowledge of hypertension complications was the only predictor of non-adherence [24].

Adherence to all studied domains was hard to achieve. Only 4.2% of the participants were found to be fully adherent. The level of adherence was significantly associated with higher educational status. Definitely a higher educational level helps the patients in understanding educational messages. Moreover, highly educated patients have better chances to come across considerable information on the disease from different educational sources.

The study had some limitations. Firstly, only male hypertensive patients were included from only two hospitals in Taif city, this limit the generalizability of the obtained results. In the future this limits can be overcome by the inclusion of a representative sample from the whole region or the entire country. Secondly, the rates of adherence to all studied domains were obtained through self-report method. The method is easy and cheap, however it is less reliable, especially among those patients who deny poor adherence.


Adherence to all studied domains (diet, exercise and medications) was low. The identified predictors were important in the design of health education. Well-organized and individualized patient-oriented education is needed. Inclusive information on the importance of adherence to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment should be provided equally. Patient motivation and continuity of education are important as hypertension is a chronic disease. The role of social support, especially close family members of elderly patients, should not be ignored.


The author greatly appreciates the cooperation and help of the staff of both Al-Hada Armed Forces Hospital and Princess Mansour Community Hospital; Taif; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Also especial thanks go to the students who help in data collection.


Declared None


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