Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 16, Issue 7, 36-39Original Article



1Department of Pharmacology, Karwar Institute of Medical Sciences, Karwar, Uttara kannada, India. 2Department of Pharmacology, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical College and Research Institution, Bengaluru
*Corresponding author: Vishnu K.; *Email:

Received: 23 Apr 2024, Revised and Accepted: 17 May 2024


Objective: This study was conducted to assess the knowledge, attitude and application of hemovigilance by postgraduates and interns in a tertiary care hospital.

Methods: A pre-validated questionnaire is used in this cross-sectional investigation. Postgraduates’ and interns’ Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) about hemovigilance, potential reasons for under-reporting, and strategies for enhancing transfusion reaction reporting were all intended to be evaluated in this study. The study was carried out over a period of 2 mo and included all the clinical PGs and interns who willingly gave consent.

Results: The questionnaire was completed by 243 individuals in total. A mean of 94% of postgraduate students and 92% of interns were familiar with transfusion reactions. Merely 68% of the respondents possessed knowledge of India's Hemovigilance initiative. A total of 90% of participants concurred that it is essential to report adverse transfusion reactions. The idea of hemovigilance should be taught in UG curricula, according to 92% of participants overall. The majority of participants exhibited a favourable attitude towards the idea of hemovigilance. All the participants were willing to report unfavourable transfusion reactions.

Conclusion: Although most participants have a good attitude towards reporting transfusion reactions, there is a lack of information about the hemovigilance program and the reporting process. For this reason, our research recommends that reporting procedures be included in undergraduate curricula and that seminars like training programs be held for postgraduates and practitioners.

Keywords: Hemovigilance, Transfusion reactions, Interns, Postgraduates, KAP


Transfusions of blood and blood products are life-saving measures [1]. According to the Drug and Cosmetic Act, blood is classified as a drug [2]. A transfusion reaction is characterised as any transfusion that carries some risk and any adverse event that happens to the patient during or after the transfusion and for which no other explanation can be identified [3].

Hemovigilance is a term used to describe a group of surveillance techniques that encompass the entire blood transfusion chain, from the collection of blood and blood components through transfusion and recipient follow-up. Its goal is to gather, examine and prevent unfavourable events by gathering and analysing data. It aids in the management of the blood transfusion system's quality, offers recommendations for preventive and corrective actions, and enhances the transfusion process safety and blood product quality [4].

The French Blood Agency created Hemovigilance first in 1994 [5]. This system is now adopted worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that over 118.5 million blood donations are made annually worldwide, while approximately 13,300 blood facilities across 169 nations report receiving 106 million donations in total [6]. The International Health Vigilance Network connects the majority of wealthy nations, including the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, and Denmark [7]. The well-established Hemovigilance system is deficient in Asian countries. India, through the Hemovigilance Program of India (HvPI) is the second Asian country to be a member of the International Hemovigilance Network (IHN), after Japan. Since reporting adverse transfusion events is not compulsory, India lacks a standardised and effective hemovigilance system [8, 9].

To monitor adverse events related to blood transfusion and the administration of blood products, the HvPI was introduced in December 2012 in 90 medical colleges under the Pharmacovigilance Program of India [10]. The ultimate goal is to spot any trends and recommend appropriate procedures and actions that will enhance patient safety and care, as well as to advise the relevant authorities on how to change policy [11].

Adverse transfusion responses can range in severity from mild to fatal. Even though a few recent studies have tried to report the prevalence of these adverse reactions in India, the actual situation could be different because transfusion reactions are not frequently reported in India. This is a result of the fact that our medical experts are still in the dark about disclosing these side effects. Furthermore, the fact that hemovigilance report filing is currently optional might be a factor in the underreporting.

Postgraduates and interns participation in hemovigilance programs is thought to be essential for guaranteeing blood transfusions for improved patient outcomes. Thus, the purpose of this study is to assess and investigate Postgraduates’ and interns’ awareness of the Hemovigilance initiative and the reasons behind their underreporting of hemovigilance.


A pre-validated questionnaire was used in this cross-sectional investigation. Postgraduates’ and interns’ knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) about hemovigilance, potential reasons for underreporting and strategies for enhancing transfusion reaction reporting were all intended to be evaluated in this study. The study was carried out at our institute from June to July 2023, for 2 mo.

The study included all the clinical postgraduates and interns who willingly gave their consent and participated. Those postgraduates and interns who declined to take part in the study were not included. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to analyse data from the completed questionnaire after data compiling in the Excel sheet.


The questionnaire was completed by 243 individuals in total. 102 (42%) were post-graduates, and 141 (58%) were interns. A mean of 94% of postgraduate students and 92% of interns were familiar with transfusion responses. The notion of hemovigilance was understood by 88% of interns and 94% of postgraduates. Merely 68% of the respondents possessed knowledge of India's Hemovigilance initiative. A total of 90% of participants concurred that it is essential to report adverse transfusion reactions. The idea of hemovigilance should be taught in UG curricula, according to 92% of participants overall.

Table 1: Number of participants who knew hemovigilance (n = 243)

Knowledge Interns (N=141) Postgraduates (N=102) Total N=243 (%)
Aware of transfusion reactions 130 96 93
Aware of the concept of Hemovigilance 124 94 89.7
Transfusion reactions can be prevented 127 88 88.5
A blood transfusion reaction can be reported 114 83 81.1
Aware of where to report these reactions 97 80 72.83
Know about the Hemovigilance Programme of India 78 87 67.9
Aware of the existence of the Toll-Free number reporting transfusion reactions 56 76 54.3
Know the full form of TRRF*? 67 85 62.55
Know about 3 phases explaining targets of the Hemovigilance programme of India 72 77 61.32
Know Haemo-vigil software 76 67 58.85

*TRRF-Transfusion Reaction Reporting Form

Table 2: Response to attitude-based questions

Attitude Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree
Reporting Adverse transfusion reactions is necessary Interns 101(72%) 21(15%) 10(7%) 9(6%) 0
Postgraduates 87(85.3%) 10(9.8%) 4(3.9%) 1(1%) 0
Reporting of each transfusion reaction is mandatory. Interns 77(54.6%) 32(22.8%) 22(15.6%) 10(7%) 0
Postgraduates 88(62.4%) 12(11.7%) 2(1.9%) 0 0
Every institute should enrol under Hemovigilance Interns 97(69%) 32(22.5%) 12(8.5%) 0 0
Postgraduates 89(87.3%) 11(10.8%) 2(1.9%) 0 0
One Hemovigilance Center is enough for a city Interns 76(54%) 23(16.3%) 22(15.6%) 18(12.7%) 2(1.4%)
Postgraduates 46(45%) 34(33.3%) 12(11.7%) 10(10%) 0
Reporting of Adverse Transfusion Reactions benefits patients Interns 88(62.4%) 22(15.6%) 10(7%) 11(8%) 10(7%)
Postgraduates 67(65.7%) 23(22.5%) 6(5.9%) 6(5.9%) 0
Concept of Hemovigilance should be included in Undergraduate curriculum Interns 100(71%) 22(15.6%) 19(13.4%) 0 0
Postgraduates 85(83.3%) 16(15.7%) 1(1%) 0 0

Fig. 1: Practice-related questionnaire among interns and postgraduates

Table 3: Reason for not reporting

Reason Interns N=141 Postgraduates N=102 Total (%)
Lack of knowledge where to report, how to report 123 91 214(88)
Lack of time 23 45 68(28)
Lack of incentives 12 18 30(12.3)
I don’t find it necessary to report 2 3 5(2)
Legal liability issue 51 31 82(33.7)
Fear of negative effects of report 5 0 5(2)

Table 4: Potential strategies to enhance transfusion response reporting

Potential strategies Interns N=141 Postgraduates N=102 Total (%)
Should be trained in reporting 86 87 173(86.4)
CME’s*/workshop/seminars 123 97 220(90.5)
Making reporting compulsory 132 100 232(95.5)
Keep the availability of transfusion reporting forms in the wards 125 99 224(92)
Make transfusion reaction reporting easier 140 102 242(99.5)
Remuneration of transfusion reaction reporting 56 12 68(28)

*CME: Continued medical education

The majority of participants exhibited a favourable attitude toward the idea of hemovigilance. About 37% of participants had encountered a transfusion response in the course of their professional activity and all the participants were willing to report unfavourable transfusion reactions.


It is a proven fact that raising healthcare professionals' awareness of transfusion event reporting and hemovigilance, together with their knowledge, attitudes and behaviours, increases the frequency of reporting [12]. Numerous investigations carried out in our nation have verified that healthcare practitioners exhibit inadequate understanding and attitudes regarding hemovigilance [4, 10, 12].

Safety research has shown that near-miss occurrences share similar root causes with transfusion mishaps. Thus, evaluating close calls may produce important data for safety and preventive initiatives [13]. Every step in the transfusion chain should be covered by ideal hemovigilance software to detect, record and look into any occurrences or near-miss events.

The range of a hemovigilance system changes as a result of variations in the reporting spectrum [14]. Standardized nomenclature and definitions are critical to the effectiveness of a hemovigilance system. Accurate classification and analysis of transfusion-related accidents and near-miss occurrences necessitate clear and exact definitions [15]. Based on the results of the current survey; it is clear that participants' inadequate knowledge may be the primary cause of their lack of understanding of the significance of reporting. Only 38.88% of the participants knew of India's transfusion event reporting system, according to Shivgunde et al. [12]. Nonetheless, in this study, 87.9% of participants were aware of the transfusion-related adverse event notification system. However, only 15% of patients have notified the hemovigilance centre about transfusion reactions and 88% of participants don’t know where to report and how to report.

The primary obstacles to reporting incidents include the worry that mistakes would be used to judge a doctor's skill, the potential for organizational or personal consequences and the potential for error reports to be discovered legally. Medical personnel may suppress critical information for their own security and fear of reprisals, resulting in a lack of detailed information and reporting rates under mandatory and punitive reporting regimes. However, compared to the required systems, optional nonpunitive reporting systems encourage the reporting of near-miss incidents and offer greater details on the contributing reasons for mistakes. Though the hemovigilance system in India relies on voluntary reporting, a significant portion of medical professionals (33.7%) felt legally obligated to report transfusion reactions, which is comparable with other studies [4, 16–18]. Furthermore, many respondents (28%) agreed that the main discouraging factor for reporting transfusion reactions was the considerable amount of time required to complete the notification forms. Similar findings were observed in the study conducted by K. HimaBindu, et al. [4] (16.65%), Samaranayaka et al. [16] (57.6%) and Chowdhary R. et al. [17], where 56% of the respondents stated that lack of time was a limiting factor in reaction reporting.

Regular training sessions for younger physicians and nurses, together with Continued Medical Education (CME), have proven to increase the rates of adverse event reporting [19]. Medical laboratory technologists, nurses, and blood bank medical officers can attend lectures and other education relating to hemovigilance conducted by the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) teaching unit. NBTS does not currently provide any CME programs for healthcare workers outside of the transfusion medicine discipline. This may be the cause of the majority of doctors' statements (90.5%) that they had never attended training sessions or lectures on transfusion event identification, reporting and treatment.

To further enhance reporting and ensure the efficient operation of the hemovigilance system, hemovigil software was linked to the National Institute of Biologicals (NIB) portal under the direction of the advisory committee for hemovigilance [20]. A nationwide blood policy was created and it was taken into consideration in 2002. The policy recommended that hospitals establish transfusion committees (HTCs) and that the HTC should have the authority to determine the hospital's transfusion policy and to resolve any issues that may arise concerning it [21, 22]. In addition to this, the majority of research participants (95.5%) indicated that reporting should be mandatory.


One research limitation is that there were more interns than postgraduates among the respondents. The results of the study cannot be generalized because it was conducted at a single tertiary hospital.


Although most of the participants have a good attitude toward reporting transfusion reactions, there is a lack of information about the hemovigilance program and the reporting process, due to which many people have never reported any transfusion reactions. For this reason, our research recommends that reporting procedures be included in undergraduate curricula and that seminars like training programs be held for postgraduates and practitioners.


We appreciate the assistance and support provided by Dr. Vishanth K. an Orthopedician.




The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study conception and design: Swetha K; data collection: Vishnu K; analysis and interpretation of results: Swetha K; draft manuscript preparation: Swetha K, Vishnu K. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.


Declared none


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