Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 7, Issue 5, Letter to Editor



1Department of Computer and Information Technology, Foulad Institute of Technology, Fouladshahr, Isfahan, Iran

Received: 07 Apr 2015 Revised and Accepted: 28 Apr 2015

Hijacked journals are journals that use the same name and ISSN like authentic journals. Forger select journals that have a print version and create the fake website for them and cheat researchers. They ask money for publishing papers and sell author’s papers [1-3]. The newly identified hijacked journal “ANARE Research Notes,” has no website, is published by an Australian National in Australia, titled as Antarctic Research Expeditions-ANARE. This journal is indexed in Thomson Reutersjournals master list and has Zoological Record indexing. Fake website has this URL http://arnjournal. com. It is proved fake by the following process.

In the evaluated journal web site, the database access will have in live at most three recent issues. This journal is not indexed in Scopus, had it been we can accept it to be genuine and search for papers. This case also supports that the journal ANARE is a hijacked one. Going through the ANARE journal aim and scope, it is ambiguous how the journal accepts and publishes papers in any domain. There is no mention of the editorial board or specialization of the journal. The only contact to the Journal papers is the personal email id of the authors and there is no official email or website for the journal ANARE. On further search into the papers of each issue, we can find authors are from certain countries such as Iran. web sites created later than the dated of paper acceptance, such as the one referred is Feb 2015 but found a paper in the journal ( pdf) that accepted in “5 Jan 2015,” where in on that date, even the website had not been designed. The alleged website was hosted from a server in Germany with IP address:, surprisingly all the web sites hosted from this server belonged to Iran. Further it is incomprehensible as the journal states to belong to an Australian hosting by a company in Iran.

All these time-consuming laborious search techniques can be customized into automated systems using big data analysis and Data’s sciences [4] with workflow for easily identifying the fake website and save the innocent researchers from e-wasting money and information, many times it could really unique knowledge and precious data falling prey into unreliable hands and exploited. This could be one example, a proof of the pudding. Now-a-days forger’s host new suspicious-hijacked journal that they are very similar to authenticated journals and cheat the gullible research brains, hence careful selection of a journal is prime before getting it published. This scenario has to be protected at the earliest else the knowledge works would become commodities of trade transactions yielding very less benefit to the producer and more margins for the trading partners and middle men as in ane-commerce [5] industry.


  1. Jalalian M, Mahboobi H. Hijacked journals and predatory publishers: is there a need to re-think how to assess the quality of academic research? Walailak J Sci Tech 2014;11(5):389-94.
  2. Jalalian M. Hijacked journals are attacking the reliability and validity of medical research. Electronic Physician 2014;6(4):925-6.
  3. Dadkhah M, Obeidat MM, Jazi MD, Sutikno T, Riyadi MA. How can we identify hijacked journals? Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 2015;4(2):83-7.
  4. Krishnan Umachandran: Data science in big data analysis. Available from: publication/ 262842220 [Accessed 08 Apr 2015].
  5. Krishnan Umachandran: Consumer behaviour analysis-e-commerce market. Available from: https:// www.researchgate. net/publication/262198905 [Accessed 08 Apr 2015].