
  • BHAVTARAN SINGH VIT University, Vellore
  • PRAKRITH VN VIT University, Vellore
  • KAVITHA THIRUMURUGAN School of Bio Sciences & TechnologyCentre for Biomedical ResearchVIT UniversityVellore632014


Objective: To evaluate the α-amylase inhibitory potential of nine herbal plants in regulating postprandial hyperglycemia.
Materials and Methods: In vitro α-amylase inhibition assay using starch-iodine was performed. α-amylase inhibition delays breakdown of starch and
prevents glucose release to reduce postprandial hyperglycemia.
Results: The plants screened were Artocarpus altilis, Aconitum heterophyllum, Acorus calamus, Berberis aristata, Cassia auriculata, Cyprus rotundus,
Mesua ferrea, Plumbago zeylanicum and Terminalia arjuna. Positive control Acarbose showed IC50 at 14.24 μg/ml. Methanolic extract of C. auriculata
(flower), T. arjuna (bark) and P. zeylanicum (rhizome) exhibited the best inhibitory activity with IC50 value of 37.28 μg/ml, 48.75 μg/ml and
68.66 μg/ml, respectively.
Conclusion: From the present study, we conclude that C. auriculata flower had displayed maximum inhibition against α-amylase.

Keywords: Herbal plants, Hyperglycemia, α-amylase inhibition.


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Author Biography

KAVITHA THIRUMURUGAN, School of Bio Sciences & TechnologyCentre for Biomedical ResearchVIT UniversityVellore632014

School of Bio Sciences & Technology

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How to Cite

CHAKRABARTI, R., B. SINGH, P. VN, L. VANCHHAWNG, and K. THIRUMURUGAN. “SCREENING OF NINE HERBAL PLANTS FOR ALPHA-AMYLASE INHIBITION”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 7, no. 4, Sept. 2014, pp. 84-89,



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