
  • Monisha Dm
  • Chella Karthik J


Objective: The reason of the study was to evaluate the complications of obesity in medical students by assessing the impacts of clinical outcome.
Methods: In a prospective cohort study, the prevalence of obesity has been observed in medicos through questionnaire form, on the basis of clinical
history involving inactivity, stress, unhealthy diet, familial, appetite, sleep pattern, and metabolic disorder, also the body mass index (BMI) is calculated
for the respective medical students.
Results: The occurrence of obesity as a result of high-calorie diet, inactivity, and all the above-mentioned conditions will enhance the complications
of obesity. This study revealed that the complications were highly due to unhealthy diet for male and inactivity for female students. Hence, the
predominance of obesity in male medicos was found out to be 2.5% and that of overweight was 4%. The overall prevalence was 6.5%, whereas the
predominance of obesity in female medicos was found out to be 2% and that of overweight was 4.25%. The overall prevalence was 6.25%. Our findings
showed the equivalent prevalence of obese and overweight in both male and female students.
Conclusion: The study confirmed the general impression that there is a significant amount of obesity among the medical students. Accumulating
evidence indicates that obesity is an increased prevalence and lead to various complications as stated in the medical literature. Obesity is a risk factor
for coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, and chronic illness. It occurs primarily due to the lack of physical exercise and to a lesser extent, due
to a decrease in the basal metabolic rate and altered BMI affecting the body fitness. Therefore, regular physical activity (exercise and yoga) is required
for the young medicos which will help to control their stress and BMI, which may prevent the complications of obesity.
Keywords: Complications, Medical students, Obesity, Overweight.


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How to Cite

M, A. ., M. R. . E, M. Dm, and C. K. J. “PREVALENCE OF OBESITY AND OVERWEIGHT AMONG MEDICOS IN BOTH MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 3, May 2016, pp. 289-91,



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