Objectives: To find out the serum level of uric acid among non-embolic stroke patients. To find out the level of uric acid in various risk factors of
Methods: The study was conducted among 100 patients admitted with non-embolic stroke in tertiary care hospital to find out serum level of uric
acid and various existing risk factors for non-embolic stroke. The serum level of uric acid was measured within 24 hrs, the demographic profile like
age and sex risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipedemia, smoking, and alcohol were elicited. The appropriate statistical analysis
was performed.
Results: This study was done among 100 patients with non-embolic stroke patients. Out of 100, 63% of the stroke patients were in the age of between
51 and 70 years. Mean age was 59 years. The gender wise distribution was 49% male and 51% female. The mean serum uric acid (SUA) level among
all the stroke patients was 5.3 mg/dl. The SUA was increased above the normal level in 33% of the stroke patients. According to univariate analysis, the
presence of hypertension was 66% followed by diabetes mellitus 53%. Cardiovascular disease was 33%, dyslipidemia was 40%, smoking was 33%,
and alcoholism was 20%. The SUA level was raised above normal level among the patients who had hypertension, diabetes mellitus as a risk factor
and it is statistically significant.
Conclusion: There is a certain proportion of stroke patient's SUA level raised above normal level and hypertension was a major risk factor for stroke.
Secondary prevention of hypertension is mandatory to avoid stroke.
Keywords: Serum uric acid, Stroke, Risk factors.
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