
  • Singh Satyapal institute of medical sciences, Banaras Hindu University
  • Tripathi Js
  • Rai Np


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory and multifactorial systemic disorder with predominant manifestation over the skin and/or joints resulting from
interactions between genetic pre-disposition and triggering environmental factors. Due to its systemic nature, patients exhibit a broad spectrum of
symptoms that vary in severity. Although many patients, particularly those with the limited form of the disease, may be treated with topical therapy,
those with extensive (moderate to severe) psoriasis eventually require phototherapy, systemic, or biologic therapy to adequately suppress the systemic,
immunopathogenic process. Biological agents (biologics or biologicals) are a set of different engineered proteins. These are immunosuppressive
agents, designed to selectively interfere with the immune mechanisms that induce psoriasis. Their use is restricted to the treatment of moderate
to severe psoriasis, which has failed to respond to systemic therapies (and/or phototherapy) or where such treatments are contra-indicated or
not tolerated. Biologics are becoming increasingly useful for the treatment of many skin diseases including psoriasis, particularly as alternatives
for patients who have failed to tolerate or respond to conventional systemic therapies or where non-biologic systemic agents are unsuitable due to
the presence of comorbidities. Biological therapies provide a targeted approach to treatment through interaction with specific components of the
underlying immune and inflammatory disease processes.
Keywords: Immunopathogenesis, Biologicals, Psoriasis, Quality of life, Psoriasis area and severity index, Dermatology life quality index.


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How to Cite

Singh Satyapal, T. Js, and R. Np. “BIOLOGICS (BIOLOGICAL AGENTS): A NEW APPROACH IN THE TREATMENT OF PSORIASIS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 4, July 2016, pp. 41-43,



Review Article(s)