
  • Prashanta Kr Deb Regional Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology, Abhoynagar, Agartala–799 005, Tripura (W), India.
  • Ranjib Ghosh Dept. of Pharmacology, TMC & Dr. BRAM Teaching Hospital, Hapania, Agartala–799 014, Tripura (W), India.
  • Sankari Das Women’s College, Govt. of Tripura, Agartala – 799 001, Tripura (W), India.
  • Tejendra Bhakta Regional Institute of Pharmaceutical Science & Technology, Abhoynagar, Agartala–799 005, Tripura (W), India.


Objectives: The present study was aimed to investigation of the anthelmintic potential of crude MeOH extract, 50% EtOH and aqueous extract of the leaves of Acorus calamus on Indian earth-worm (Pheretima posthuma).

Methods: Three concentrations (25, 50, 100 mg/ml) of each extract were studied in activity which involved the determination of time of paralysis (vermifuge) and time of death (vermicidal) of the worms. Albendazole in same concentration as those of extract was included as standard reference and normal saline water with 1% CMC as control.

Results: All the extracts exhibited significant anthelmintic activity at a concentration of 100 mg/ml. Peak activity was exhibited by the MeOH extract at a concentration of 100 mg/ml.

Conclusion: Findings of the present investigations confirms that, the ethno-medicinal claim of anthelmintic activity of this plant is genuine.


Key words: Acorus calamus, Anthelmintic activity, Albendazole, Vermifuge, Vermicidal.


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How to Cite

Deb, P. K., R. Ghosh, S. Das, and T. Bhakta. “IN-VITRO ANTHELMINTIC ACTIVITY OF ACORUS CALAMUS LEAVES”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 6, no. 3, July 2013, pp. 135-7,


