
  • UNDETY BENJAMIN JASON Sathyabama University
  • Daniel Alex Anand



 Objective: The variations of p6 in the host in horizontal transmission were studied. The conserved regions are found in viral factor when analyzed with host factors. Sequence and structural analysis were carried out to understand the interaction between viral and host factors. Sequences of host factors were extracted. Study the variation and conserved regions of P6 protein of GAG gene accross horinzontal transmission.

Methods: Pairwise alignment, multiple sequence alignment, secondary structure analysis, and three-dimensional structure analysis of p6 sequence with host sequences were performed. Databases National Center for Biotechnology Information and protein data bank (PDB) were used to download sequences. Tools Swiss-PDB viewer, Needleman–Wunsch Clustal W and Dicovery Studio version 2.0, were used for the analysis. Through literature host factors TSG101, NEDD4, AIP1, and ALIX were found for p6.

Results: The percentages of conserved regions of p6 with respect to four host factors were calculated. Fragments frs†and gvetttppq†have 66.66% and 23.33% with respect to TSG101, frsgâ€and ppeesfrsg†are 85.15% and 46.66% with respect to NEDD4, eptappeesf†and idk†are 73.91% and 78.26% with respect to AIP1 and lqsrpe†and pqkqe†are 61.53% and 84.61% with respect to ALIX.

Conclusion: Modeled structures of the host and viral factors contain 89% of amino acids in favorable region. Whole study was concerned on finding out variation in horizontal transmission of p6 gag gene protein. Among all the conserved fragments frsg†of NEDD4, pqkqe†of ALIX, idk†of AIP1 and eptappeesf†of AIP1 are consensus fragments with the presence of hydrophobic amino acids and hence these regions are treated as active sites for viral target. Conformational analysis of host factors reached active potential at 10 μ seconds with viral factor

Keywords: Conserved, Pairwise alignment, Variation, Horizontal transmission.


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How to Cite

JASON, U. B. ., and D. A. Anand. “STUDY OF VARIATION IN P6 REGION OF GAG ACROSS MULTIPLE STRAINS OF HIV-1”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 7, no. 5, Nov. 2014, pp. 28-31,



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