
  • Parvathy En School of Computing Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • Bharadwaja Kumar G School of Computing Science and Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.




Diabetic retinopathy, Convolutional neural network, Fundus photography


Healthcare is an important field where image classification has an excellent value. An alarming healthcare problem recognized by the WHO that the
world suffers is diabetic retinopathy (DR). DR is a global epidemic which leads to the vision loss. Diagnosing the disease using fundus images is a timeconsuming task and needs experience clinicians to detect the small changes. Here, we are proposing an approach to diagnose the DR and its severity levels from fundus images using convolutional neural network algorithm (CNN). Using CNN, we are developing a training model which identifies the features through iterations. Later, this training model will classify the retina images of patients according to the severity levels. In healthcare field, efficiency and accuracy is important, so using deep learning algorithms for image classification can address these problems efficiently.


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How to Cite

En, P., and B. K. G. “DIABETIC RETINOPATHY IMAGE CLASSIFICATION USING DEEP NEURAL NETWORK”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 10, no. 13, Apr. 2017, pp. 461-3, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2017.v10s1.20512.



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