
  • Dina Anitasari Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia.
  • Retnosari Andrajati Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia.




Compliance, Iron supplement, Leaflet, MMAS-8, Pregnant women, Short message service reminder


Objective: Lack of knowledge about iron supplementation among pregnant women contributes to poor compliance with the therapy. The use of media such as leaflets and short message service (SMS) reminders can be used to improve compliance. This study assessed the effectiveness of SMS reminders and leaflets in complying with iron supplementation in pregnant women.

Methods: This quasi-experimental study used two intervention groups with a pre-test and post-test group design. This study was conducted from March to May 2016 in two public health centers in Depok City, Indonesia. A total of 38 respondents in Sukmajaya were given leaflets, and 36 respondents in Pancoran Mas received SMS reminders. Patients' compliance was measured using the MMAS-8 questionnaire, and their hemoglobin levels were measured with HemoCue®.

Results: A total of 19 respondents in the leaflet group experienced an increase in their hemoglobin levels (with an average of 0.6 g/dl). A total of 17 respondents in the SMS reminders group experienced an increase in hemoglobin levels (with an average of 1.1 g/dl).

Conclusions: There was no difference between leaflets and SMS reminders in terms of improving patients' compliance with iron supplement consumption or with increased hemoglobin levels (p=0.576 and p=0.929, respectively).



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How to Cite

Anitasari, D., and R. Andrajati. “EFFECTIVENESS OF SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE REMINDERS AND LEAFLETS IN COMPLYING WITH IRON SUPPLEMENTATION IN PREGNANT WOMEN IN DEPOK CITY, INDONESIA”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 10, no. 17, Oct. 2017, pp. 42-45, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2017.v10s5.23092.



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