
  • Pratima Baisakh Department of Anatomy, IMS and SUM Hospital, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, K8, Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar –751 003, Odisha, India.
  • Manas Ranjan Baisakh Department of Pathology, Apollo Hospitals, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.
  • Prafulla Kumar Chinara Department of Anatomy, IMS and SUM Hospital, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, K8, Kalinga Nagar, Bhubaneswar –751 003, Odisha, India.
  • Mahesh Chandra Sahu Directorate of Medical Research, IMS and SUM Hospital, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar – 751 003, Odisha, India.



Appendicitis, Appendicectomy, Mucocele, Endometriosis


Objective: Appendicectomy is the gold standard treatment in acute appendicitis, and in each case, a specimen should be evaluated thoroughly by a histopathologist to confirm the diagnosis and any unknown pathology. The present study aims to find out age and gender prevalence of appendicitis in a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India and various histological changes in the appendix in routine appendicectomy specimen undergoing surgery for appendicitis.

Methods: A total of 780 appendicectomy specimens were studied for acute appendicitis for 2 years. Gender prevalence and age-wise incidence of appendicitis were analyzed statistically. Sections were taken from different parts of formalin-fixed appendix specimen. A thorough histological examination was done to confirm acute appendicitis and to detect any incidental unusual histological changes.

Results: Of 780 cases, 343 (44%) were male and 437 (56%) were female. Females are more in number than males (p<0.001). The incidence was more common in the age group of 21–30 years (50.7%). Histological findings revealed normal vermiform appendix in 60 (7.7%), lymphoid hyperplasia in 75 (9.6%) cases, acute appendicitis and periappendicitis in 471 (60%) and 110 (14%) cases, respectively. Gangrenous appendicitis was found in 56 (7%) cases. Unexpected findings were reported in 8 (1.02%) cases, of which Enterobius vermicularis 2 (0.25%) cases, endometriosis 2 (0.25%) cases, mucocele 1 (0.12%) case, and carcinoid in 3 (0.4%) cases.

Conclusions: Apart from intraoperative examination, a routine histological study of biopsy specimen reveals at times rare pathological changes which has some impact on clinical co-relation and patient management and might help to avoid any lethal complications.


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How to Cite

Baisakh, P., M. R. Baisakh, P. K. Chinara, and M. C. Sahu. “SURVEILLANCE OF APPENDICECTOMY SPECIMEN WITH HISTOMORPHOLOGICAL EVALUATION”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 11, no. 7, July 2018, pp. 117-9, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2018.v11i7.25432.



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