Animal models, Periodontal disease, Periodontal research, Gingivitis, periodontitisAbstract
Periodontal diseases require treatment at an early stage to prevent further damage and aggravation of the disease. The most commonly seen periodontal diseases are gingivitis and periodontitis. Animals have contributed a major role in studying the different periodontal diseases and providing a proper treatment. Periodontal diseases are either induced in these experimental animal models or can be seen naturally. Different drugs are tested on the animals induced by the disease to find the most effective treatment for that particular disease. Different animals such as mice, rats, pigs, rabbits, hamsters, and rodents are used for the periodontal research. Different animals show a different reaction while some animals show no reaction. Each animal has its own advantages and disadvantages. The use of large animals brings a limitation in the due to its housing difficulties. Animals for periodontal research are chosen depending on their similarity with that of human anatomy and physiology. The use of these animals will help to replicate the disease seen in humans in a better and more accurate way. This will improve the treatment outcome and the prognosis of the disease. The drugs used can, hence, give a better idea about the effect it would have on the human body depending on the effects it shows on the animal models. Hence, the use of appropriate animals for the periodontal research is important to design a better treatment for these diseases. Hence, animal models play an important role in the periodontal research.
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