
  • OMAR ABDULWAHID AL-ANI Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al-Rafidain University College, Baghdad, Iraq.




Pregnant women, Pregnancy category medication, Congenital malformations, Placenta


Objective: During pregnancy, various drugs associated with a contraindication, hence their application is limited and dangerous to mothers along with the fetus. Even though during pregnancy, medication is less preferred but in some instances cannot escape treating the ailments in mother. So here we discussed the medication that can be used safely during pregnancy along with the drugs which are unsafe or highly contraindicated for both mother and the fetus; the problems or complications may be attributed to possible drug interactions during the pregnancy.

Methods: The study was conducted from October 2018 until February 2019 in Baghdad, Iraq. It is conducted in four hospitals: Baghdad teaching hospital, Iraqi Red Crescent Society, Saint Raphael (Al Rahibat) Hospital, and Al-Elwiya Educational Hospital. The medical staff in these hospitals assessed for their knowledge about drug effects, complications, and safety during pregnancy. Those medical staff assayed was divided into three groups: Physicians, pharmacists, and other medical staff (47 pharmacists, 38 physicians, and 15 nurses who participated in this study).

Results: We found that the majority of doctors and pharmacists useful information on pregnancy categories which is a good indicator of the knowledge of these specialists as the subject of drugs and their impact on pregnant women and the fetus is sensitive and vital because it affects all segments of society.

Conclusion: It is the responsibility of all clinicians, including pharmacists, to counsel patients with complete, accurate, and current information on the risks and benefits of using medications during pregnancy.



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How to Cite

AL-ANI, O. A. “DRUGS IN PREGNANCY”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 13, no. 6, June 2020, pp. 78-82, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2020.v13i6.36746.



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