Phytochemical profiling of Myristica fragrans seed extract with different organic solvents


  • Rancy Ann Thomas PhD scholar Deparment of Biochemistry Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore-641029 Tamilnadu India
  • Dr. Krishnakumari Shanmugasundaram Guide and Supervisor Associate professorDeparment of Biochemistry Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore-641029 Tamilnadu India


Objective of the present study is to evaluate the phytochemical constitution of dried seeds of Myristica fragrans using eight different solvent extracts ethanol,methanol,ethyl acetate,chloroform,petroleum ether,acetone and aqueous (cold and hot).Preliminary phytochemical screenings for various secondary metabolites were carried out.All the extracts were subjected to qualitative phytochemical screening and were analysed for the presence of active constituents such as alkaloids,flavanoids,phenols,glycosides etc.Qualitative analysis of the seed extracts confirm the presence of secondary maetabolites like alkaloids,flavanoids,phenols,glycosides etc.The generated data has provided the basis for its wide uses as a therapeutic both in traditional and folk medicine.The observed constituents in the seed extracts may be associated with its high bioactive constituents that may serve as candidates to new drugs in the treatment and prevention of various ailments.

Key Words:Myristica fragrans,Secondary metabolites,Phytochemical screening,Qualitative analysis.


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Author Biography

Rancy Ann Thomas, PhD scholar Deparment of Biochemistry Kongunadu Arts and Science College Coimbatore-641029 Tamilnadu India

Deparment of Biochemistry



How to Cite

Thomas, R. A., and D. K. Shanmugasundaram. “Phytochemical Profiling of Myristica Fragrans Seed Extract With Different Organic Solvents”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 303-7,



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