
  • Rajesh Venkataraman
  • Satish Kumar Bp
  • M. Kumaraswamy
  • Rajveer Singh
  • MeenuPandey
  • Priyank Tripathi
  • Sharath V
  • Job V George
  • Patel Vaibhav


Hypertension, Physical Exercise, Literacy, Occupation, Risk Factors


Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death worldwide in which hypertension is responsible for an annual death of 7.1 million. There exist a causal relationship between low levels of occupational and/or leisure-time Physical Activity and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. An additional possible reasons may be reduced sleep duration/quality and individuals knowledge of their disease and its treatment.

Objective: This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of hypertension and risk factors associated, concentrating on literacy status, physical exercise, occupation and sleep pattern in rural population.

Method: It was a questionnaire based study carried out in two phases with Blood Pressure measurement.

Result: The study results showed low literacy rate and maximum prevalence of hypertension in farmers and house wives, with a lifestyle devoid of routine physical exercises and with advancing age.

Conclusion: The study concluded with the positive relationship between risk factors.

Keywords: Hypertension, Physical Exercise, Literacy, Occupation, Risk Factors.


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How to Cite

Venkataraman, R., S. Kumar Bp, M. Kumaraswamy, R. Singh, MeenuPandey, P. Tripathi, S. V, J. V. George, and P. Vaibhav. “LIFESTYLE FACTORS: AN ALARM TOWARDS HYPERTENSION”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 6, no. 8, Sept. 2013, pp. 185-8,


