Toxicological standardization marketed Ashwagandha formulations by atomic absorption spectroscopy


  • A.V. CHANDEWAR Principal,P. Wadhwani College of Pharmacy,Yavatmal


Atomic absorption spectrometry is advanced technique to ascertain accumulation of heavy metals including, Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead in Herbal formulations In this study the marketed Ashwagandha formulations Yavatmal city (India), were were investigated by this technique. The main purpose of the investigation was to document evidence for the users, and practitioners of marketed Ashwagandha formulations. WHO, (1998) mentions maximum permissible limits in raw materials only for arsenic, cadmium, and lead, which amount to 1.0, 0.3, and 10 ppm. respectively. It was found that Arsenic content in Herbal formulations H2 (12 ppm), H3 (9.0 ppm), H4 (0.7 ppm), H5 (0.93 ppm), H7 (11 ppm), H8 (0.56 ppm), H9 (0.75), and H10 (0.34 ppm) which was below the Permissible limit in all formulations.. The Cadmium content in H2 (12 ppm), H3 (9.0 ppm), H4 (0. 7 ppm), H5 (0.93 ppm), H7 (11.0 ppm), H8 (0.56 ppm), H9 (0.75 ppm) and H10 (0.34 ppm) which was above the permissible limits. The  lead content in H2,(15.5 ppm),H5 (12.5ppm),H6 (12.7ppm),H7 (11.9ppm) and H9(15.9 ppm) which was above the permissible limits. Such formulations may cause damage  to delicate organs of  of patient as they get accumulated in body..


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How to Cite

Bais, S., and A. CHANDEWAR. “Toxicological Standardization Marketed Ashwagandha Formulations by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 6, no. 9, Nov. 2013, pp. 45-48,


