
  • Kurnia Sari Setio Putri Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia
  • Silvia Surini
  • Effionora Anwar


This present study was intended to expand utilization of starch as transdermal film-forming excipient. In the previous study, starch have been physically and chemically modified through complete pregelatinization and phthalatization process in aqueous-alkaline medium (pH 8-10), resulting pragelatinized cassava starch phthalate (PCSPh). The obtained PCSPh possesed the degree of subtitution of 0.0541 ± 0.0019 and showed different physical, chemical, and functional properties compared to pragelatinized cassava starch (PCS). PCSPh showed higher gel strength value than PCS, a good characteristic to be used as film forming for transdermal dosage forms. In this study, transdermal film were produced using PCSPh as film-forming, glycerin and propylenglycol as plasticizer and ketoprofen as drug model. This transdermal film showed good mechanical properties, including folding endurance, elongation and tensile strength. The in-vitro drug release study showed that 71.78 – 107.07% of ketoprofen has been released from transdermal film in 4 hours by diffusion-controlled mechanism. In vitro penetration study using Franz diffusion cell showed that 72.77 – 108.04% of ketoprofen were able to penetrate the skin membran of Spague-Dawley rats with the flux of 1.499 – 2.311 mg/cm2.hour in first three hours and 0.865 – 1.301 mg/cm2.hour up to 8 hour. Therefore, it was concluded that PCSPh had good characteristics to be applied as film-forming excipient for transdermal dosage form.


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How to Cite

Putri, K. S. S., S. Surini, and E. Anwar. “PREGELATINIZED CASSAVA STARCH PHTHALATE AS FILM-FORMING EXCIPIENT FOR TRANSDERMAL FILM OF KETOPROFEN”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 6, no. 3, July 2013, pp. 62-66,


