KAP study on Pharmacovigilance towards ADR among Health Professional at Tertiary Health Care Setting



Adverse Drug Reaction; Pharmacovigilance; Health care professionals


Objective: In order to improve the ADR reporting rate. This study was undertaken to evaluate KAP of the health care professionals at a Tertiary Care teaching hospital, regarding the ADR monitoring and pharmacovigilance.

Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in a tertiary health care setting of State Medical College of U.P. Health professionals such as Junior Residents, Senior Residents and consultants were participated in the study. Knowledge about ADR, attitudes towards ADR, the voluntary reporting system, procedures related & reasons for non-reporting, etc was assessed. Data was collected and analyzed by applying appropriate software.

Results: Most of the participants (62.4%) felt that PVs report should be made mandatory. Majority of Junior Residents knew the theoretical definition and purpose of PVs comparatively more than SR and consultants. Responses showing attitude of the study participant’s towards pharmacovigilance depicts that most of the participants (62.4%) felt that PVs report should be made mandatory. Practical aspects of ADRs by different cadres of participant viz. consultants (68.0%), SR (50%) and JR (35.7%) were found to be statistically significant; p=.037. Factors which discourage health professional from reporting ADRs viz. Non-remuneration, Lack of time, Single case not affect ADR database or Difficulty in decision whether ADR has occurred or not.

Conclusion: Only few of the health professional (20%) were ever reported an ADR but still there is great need to create awareness among the Junior/ Senior doctors/Consultants to improve the reporting of ADRs. An educational intervention and improvement of facilities in coordinating with the healthcare professionals would definitely bring on a difference in adverse drug reactions.



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Author Biographies

Dr Deepak

Department Of General Medicine

Professor and Head

Department of Medicine

Index Medical College and Research Centre

Indore , MP



Phd ( Std)Medical Pharmacology

Department of Pharmacology

Index Medical College & Reasearch Centre

Malwanchal University

Indore , MP


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How to Cite

NATH, S., D. D. SHARMA, and M. NATH. “A STUDY ON KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND PRACTICE OF PHARMACOVIGILANCE TOWARDS ADR REPORTING AMONG JUNIOR RESIDENT, SENIOR RESIDENT AND CONSULTANT DOCTORS IN TERTIARY CARE SETTING OF TEACHING MEDICAL INSTITUTION: KAP Study on Pharmacovigilance towards ADR Among Health Professional at Tertiary Health Care Setting”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 17, no. 8, June 2024, https://journals.innovareacademics.in/index.php/ajpcr/article/view/51334.



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