
  • Archana Singh DIPAS, DRDO, Delhi
  • Som Nath Singh Scientist, DIPAS


The fiber rich diets have a positive effect on health as their ingestion has been related to decreased prevalence of several diseases. It is speculated
that Indian diets have the potential to reduce the prevalence of a variety of risk diseases; however there are limited studies available on the dietary
fiber (DF) composition of foods available in India. High-fiber foods have a far lower energy density as compared with high-fat foods. Thus, high-fiber
foods can displace energy (calories). The satiation and fullness of stomach are predominantly influenced by the bulking and viscosity properties of DF.
Persons who consume generous amounts of DF, compared to those who have minimal fiber intake, are at lower risk for developing coronary artery
diseases, stroke, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and certain gastrointestinal diseases. Increasing the intake of high fiber foods or fiber supplements
improves serum lipoprotein values, lowers blood pressure, improves blood glucose control for diabetic individuals, and aids weight loss. Emerging
research indicates that intake of soluble fibers enhances immune function in humans.

Keywords: Dietary fiber, Glycemic index, Nutrient composition, Recommended allowance.


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Author Biography

Archana Singh, DIPAS, DRDO, Delhi

Scientist, Nutrition Division


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How to Cite

Singh, A., and S. N. Singh. “DIETARY FIBER CONTENT OF INDIAN DIETS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 8, no. 3, May 2015, pp. 58-61,



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