Nil, Anti-pyretic, Analgesic, Anti-inflammatory, Herbal tablets, ArthritisAbstract
Objective: To formulate arthritic pain relieving tablets and evaluation of tablets.
Methods: The preparation of dry powder of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis leaves, 1% Acacia solution, 1%HPMC-10 solution, 1% Sodium alginate solution. The wet granulation method was used for the formulation of herbal tablets.
Results: Based on the pre-formulation study, the flow property of granules was good. The physical parameters of compressed tablets color were Greenish white for F1 and F3 batch, Dark greenish-white color for F2batch. The weight variation test, hardness, thickness, friability and disintegration time for F1 batch was found to be [497±5%, 3.3±0.17, 4.00±0.005, 0.81%, 28] respectively, For F2 batch [506±5%, 3.13±0.01, 3.66±0.023, 1.43%, 25] respectively, For F3 batch [502.5±5%, 3.13±0.01, 3.96±0.001, 1.8%, 32] respectively.
Conclusion: The formulated herbal tablets were used to manage arthritic pain. Based on the results, it is concluded that the formulation and evaluation of herbal tablets were good.
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