Amphotericin B, Angioinvasive infection, Mucormycosis, ZygomycosisAbstract
Mucormycosis is an angioinvasive infection caused by Zygomycosis in the order of Mucorales. It is mainly affected in immunocompromised individuals followed by risk factors such as diabetes mellitus, stem cell transplantation, organ transplantation, hematological malignancy, and more intake of steroids. Rhino-orbito-cerebral mucormycosis, pulmonary mucormycosis, cutaneous mucormycosis, gastrointestinal mucormycosis, and disseminated mucormycosis are the most common types. Moreover, it can be diagnosed to overcome this infection using the following methods such as histopathology cultures, computed axial tomography, and resonance imaging. Moreover, it can be treated with amphotericin B, the first-line drug, and posaconazole and isavuconazole are also used. The in vitro studies reveal the antifungal drugs which show the best activity against mucormycosis. The main aim of this review shows the detailed study of mucormycosis and the outcome of this infection.
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