
  • Tanmay Mohanta Department of Health Sciences, Mata Gujri College of Pharmacy, Kishanganj, Bihar, India
  • Shubhra Tarafdar Department of Health Sciences, Mata Gujri College of Pharmacy, Kishanganj, Bihar, India
  • Shivani Raj Department of Health Sciences, Mata Gujri College of Pharmacy, Kishanganj, Bihar, India



Biodegradable composites, Biofiber, Biopolymer, Polymer blends, Ocular drug delivery


Biodegradable polymer materials (known as biocomposites) are widely used for manufacturing of drug delivery technology for controlled and sustained release pattern. The building blocks of plastic materials are polymers, which are constantly being used in an increasing number of applications. Because of this, a lot of researchers are devoting their efforts to creating innovative polymer composites using components that exist naturally as well as changing conventional materials to make them more user-friendly. The utilisation of biopolymers and biofibers as raw materials is done with consideration for the environment. These days, scientists are adding tiny amounts of a novel type of substance called a nanofiller to a variety of biopolymer-based composites. These nanofillers will function as additives, improving the mechanical, thermal, flame-retardant, and water-absorption behaviour of the nano composite materials while preserving their ideal density. An overview of the many biodegradable polymers that are now in use, their characteristics, and recent advancements in their synthesis and uses are provided in the review that follows.


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How to Cite

Tanmay Mohanta, Shubhra Tarafdar, & Shivani Raj. (2024). AN OVERVIEW ON BIODEGRADABLE POLYMER: ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND THE MAINTENANCE OF PHYSICAL HEALTH. Innovare Journal Health Sciences, 12, 1–6.



Review Article(s)