
  • N. S. Kaviyarasi
  • C. N. Prashantha
  • V. V.s. Suryanarayana Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Hebbal, Bangalore 560024, India


Keywords, Serrapeptidase, anti-inflammation, arthritis, molecular docking, drug discovery, protein-peptide interaction, Bradykinin, Substance-P


Objective: Serrapeptidase is a therapeutic enzyme broadly used as an anti-inflammatory drug to treat inflammatory diseases like arthritis, bronchitis, fibrocystic breast disease and sinusitis. The objective of present study is in silco analyzes of the substrate and inhibitor binding sites of serratiopeptidase, expressed from a cloned gene.

Methods: The gene encoding Serrapeptidase was amplified from genomic DNA of Serratia marcescens MTCC 8707, an isolated from the flowers of summer squash plants. The gene was sequenced, the nucleotide sequence of 1464 nucleotides was submitted to Gen Bank nucleotide database and accession number GI: KP869847 obtained. The develop amino acid sequence was used to predict 3D structure using different bioinformatics tools and software's Further, CABS-dock and Swiss Dock, the docking servers were used for enzyme-substrate/inhibitor binding site analysis. The inflammatory mediators, bradykinin, and substance-P were used as substrates, whereas, EDTA and Lisinopril were used as an inhibitor for serrapeptidase. UCSF Chimera program was used for interactive visualization and analysis of docked results.

Results: The docking studies show substrates bradykinin and substance-P bind near zinc binding site with minimum RMSD value and the inhibitors EDTA and lisinopril showed favorable interaction at zinc binding site of serrapeptidase with minimum free energy.

Conclusion: The result of docking studies confirm that the substrate or inhibitor binds near zinc binding domain (HEXXH.) and the peptide bond of the substrate can be effectively cleaved by serrapeptidase.

Keywords: Serrapeptidase, Anti-inflammation, Arthritis, Molecular docking, Drug discovery, Protein-peptide interaction, Bradykinin, Substance-P


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How to Cite

Kaviyarasi, N. S., C. N. Prashantha, and V. V. Suryanarayana. “IN SILICO ANALYSIS OF INHIBITOR AND SUBSTRATE BINDING SITE OF SERRAPEPTIDASE FROM SERRATIA MARCESCENS MTCC 8708”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 4, Apr. 2016, pp. 123-8,



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