
  • Pallavi Deshpande
  • Vishwaraman Mohan
  • Mukul Pore
  • Shailesh Gumaste
  • Prasad Thakurdesai Indus Biotech Private Limited, Kondhwa, Pune, Maharashtra, 411048, India


Developmental toxicity, low molecular weight galactomannans, standardized fenugreek seed extract, OECD No 414, Reproductive system, rat


Objective: To evaluate the prenatal developmental toxicity of low molecular weight galactomannans based standardized fenugreek seed extract (LMWGAL-TF).

Methods: Rats received oral administration of LMWGAL-TF (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) during the period of gestation from day 5 (implantation day)–19 (1 d before expected day of parturition) post conception. Maternal, embryo, and fetal toxicity parameters were evaluated.

Results: LMWGAL-TF exposure did not produce maternal (clinical observations, body weight gain, food intake) and embryo–fetal toxicity. Occasional skeletal and visceral malformations, unrelated to the treatments, were seen in both LMWGAL-TF-treated and vehicle control (VC) groups.

Conclusion: Oral exposure of LMWGAL-TF during the prenatal period did not induce significant maternal and embryo–fetal toxicity up to a dose of 1000 mg/kg in rats. The dose of 1000 mg/kg was considered as NOAEL for LMWGAL-TF.

Keywords: Developmental toxicity, Low molecular weight galactomannans, Standardized fenugreek seed extract, OECD Test No. 414, Reproductive system, Rat.


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How to Cite

Deshpande, P., V. Mohan, M. Pore, S. Gumaste, and P. Thakurdesai. “PRENATAL DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY EVALUATION OF LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT GALACTOMANNANS BASED STANDARDIZED FENUGREEK SEED EXTRACT DURING ORGANOGENESIS PERIOD OF PREGNANCY IN RATS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 5, May 2016, pp. 248-53,



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