
  • Amir Riyaz Khan
  • Idris Zubairu Sadiq
  • Lawi Isa Abdullahi
  • Dauda Danlami
  • Pankaj Taneja Corresponding author: Ramalingaswamy fellow and Associate Professor, Sharda University.


Chemoprevention, Lfcin B, Antioxidants, Liver enzymes, Kidney function markers, Glucose


Objective: To investigate the chemo-preventive effect of subcutaneous injection of bovine lactofericin (LfcinB) against 7, 12 dimethylbenz (a) anthracene (DMBA) induced carcinogenesis in swiss albino female mice.

Methods: 30 animals were divided into 3 groups. 200μl of DMBA (0.025μg/μl) per animal three times per week as topical was used to induce skin cancer in both groups II and III. In addition to DMBA, group III was protected with subcutaneous injection of LfcinB (20μg/μl) while group I served as control. At the end of 16th week lysates/blood/serum were subjected to various tests such as antioxidant, glucose, liver enzymes and kidney marker parameters.

Results: Topical application of 200μl DMBA (0.025μg/μl) per animal three times per week has produced 100% tumor incidence in DMBA treated group at the end of 16th week whereas only 20% developed tumors in the LfcinB+DMBA treated group. Antioxidants level were found to be significantly (P<0.01) depleted in reduced glutathione (GSH), glutathione reductase (GR), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), catalase (CAT) and liver enzymes, Alaninine aminotransferase (ALT) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Subcutaneous administration of 200μl of LfcinB (20μg/μl) significantly (P<0.01) normalized the antioxidants (GSH, GR, GPx and CAT) levels.

Conclusion: LfcinB exerts its chemoprotective effect through acting as an antioxidant, thereby inhibiting carcinogenesis, hepatocellular and renal damage. Lfcin B may act as a promising chemoprotective agent against DMBA induced skin cancer.


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How to Cite

Khan, A. R., I. Z. Sadiq, L. I. Abdullahi, D. Danlami, and P. Taneja. “CHEMOPROTECTIVE ROLE OF BOVINE LACTOFERRICIN AGAINST 7, 12 DIMETHYLBENZ (A) ANTHRACENE INDUCED SKIN CANCER IN FEMALE SWISS ALBINO MICE”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 2016, pp. 215-22,



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