
  • E. M. Evangelin Femila Department of Biotechnology, M.M.E.S Women’s Arts and Science College, Melvisharam 632509, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • R. Srimathi Department of Biotechnology, M.M.E.S Women’s Arts and Science College, Melvisharam 632509, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.
  • D. Charumathi Department of Biotechnology, M.M.E.S Women’s Arts and Science College, Melvisharam 632509, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.


Silver Nanoparticles, Aqueous Aegle marmelos Leaf Extract, Sorption, Catalytic activity, Malachite Green


Objectives: The objectives of the present study were a) to optimize the parameters for the AgNPs synthesis using aqueous leaf extract of Aegle marmelos b) to evaluate the performance of AgNPs as nanosorbents of synthetic dye Malachite Green c) to investigate the performance of AgNPs as nanocatalysts in the reduction of Malachite Green.

Methods: The effects of parameters such as leaf extract concentration and pH were studied by varying the leaf extract concentration from 5% to 20 % and reaction pH from 3 to 8 respectively. Under optimized leaf extract concentration and pH, AgNPs were synthesized and subjected to biosorption of Malachite Green from aqueous environment. Influence of pH, sorbent dosage and contact time on sorption of dye was investigated. In addition, the Catalytic activity of AgNPs in reduction of the synthetic dye using aqueous leaf extracts of Aegle marmelos was also investigated.

Results: The UV -visible absorption spectra of the AgNPs exhibited distinct band around 400- 460 nm. 20% leaf extract concentration and pH 7 were found to be the optimum conditions for synthesis of AgNPs. Sorption studies on influence of pH, sorbent dosage and contact time showed maximum adsorption at pH 5, 0.3 g and 4 h respectively. The UV visible spectra of the reaction mixture containing aqueous leaf extract of Aegle marmelos, Malachite Green and AgNPs confirmed the catalytic degradation of Malachite Green.

Conclusion: Our study revealed that AgNPs synthesized using aqueous leaf extract of Aegle marmelos can be used as nanosorbents and nanocatalysts in treatment of dye containing wastewater.


Author Biography

D. Charumathi, Department of Biotechnology, M.M.E.S Women’s Arts and Science College, Melvisharam 632509, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.

Assistant Profesor,

Department of Biotechnology, M.M.E.S Women’s Arts and Science College, Melvisharam, Vellore Dt, Tamil Nadu, India- 632 509.


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How to Cite

Femila, E. M. E., R. Srimathi, and D. Charumathi. “REMOVAL OF MALACHITE GREEN USING SILVER NANOPARTICLES VIA ADSORPTION AND CATALYTIC DEGRADATION”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 2014, pp. 579-83,



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