
  • AZZA A. MATLOUB Pharmacognosy Dept., National Research Centre, 12622, Egypt.
  • MANAL A. HAMED Therapeutic Chemistry Dept., National Research Centre 12622, Egypt.
  • SAHAR S. M. EL-SOUDA Chemistry of Natural Compounds Dept., National Research Center, 12622, Egypt.


Atriplex lindleyi, Petroleum ether extract, Oleanane skeleton, Fatty acids, Hepato-renal and cytotoxic activity


Objective: Bromobenzene (BB) is frequently encountered in table-ready foods as contaminant residues. Therefore, the present study is designed to evaluate the petroleum ether extract of Atriplex lindleyi to attenuate the hepato-renal injury induced by BB exposure and study its cytotoxic activity against different human cell line as well as to describe the chemical composition of the petroleum ether extract.

Methods: The phytochemical study of petroleum ether extract was implemented using both GC/MS and column chromatography analysis. The isolated compounds were identified using different spectroscopic analysis.

Hepato-renal assay, rats were intraperitonealy injected bromobenzene at a dose 460 mg/kg BW. The petroleum ether extract as well as Hepaticum were administrated orally twice a week for three consecutive weeks with a dose 150 & 100 mg/kg body weight, respectively. Liver marker enzymes, liver function indices and kidney function tests were estimated.

The cytotoxic activity of, petroleum ether extract was assessed by the mitochondrial dependent reduction of MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide).

Results: Forty two compounds as well as sixteen fatty acids were identified in unsaponifiable and saponifiable fractions, respectively. Unsaponifiable fraction constituted of hydrocarbons (73.39% of total unsaponifiable matter), alcoholic (0.88%) and steroidal compounds (2.22%). Furthermore, column chromatography of petroleum ether extract afforded nonsterol tritrepenoids; olean-12-en-3,11-dione (1), β-amyrenone (2), erythrodiol I (3), Lupeol (4) as well as sterol triterpenoids; cholesterol (5) and mixture of β-sitosterol and stigmasterol (6). Compounds 1, 3 and 5 are first reported from Atriplex lindleyi. In addition, GC/MS analysis of the main fraction isolated from column chromatography revealed phytol as a major component.

Drastic changes were observed after BB intoxication in liver function parameters; kidney disorder indices and certain oxidative stress markers. Treatment with petroleum ether extract improved all biochemical parameters under investigation as well as the histopathology of liver and kidney. Petroleum ether extract showed growth inhibition of HepG2 and MCF7 human cells by 44.8 and 29.9%, respectively at 100 µg/ml.

Conclusion: The petroleum ether extract of A. lindleyi contains bioactive compounds exhibiting hepato-renal protection and cytotoxic activity.



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How to Cite

MATLOUB, A. A., M. A. HAMED, and S. S. M. EL-SOUDA. “CHEMO-PROTECTIVE EFFECT ON HEPATO-RENAL TOXCICITY AND CYTOTOXIC ACTIVITY OF LIPOIDAL MATTER OF ATRIPLEX LINDLEYI MOQ”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 2014, pp. 187-96,



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