
  • Gaurav Jain Department of Pharmacy, Bhagwant University, Ajmer
  • Neha Jain School of Pharmacy and Research, Peoples University, Bhopal
  • Ameeta Argal Department of Pharmacy, Bhagwant University, Ajmer


Diabetic induced wound healing, Excision wound model, Alloxan, Triticum aestivum, Wheatgrass


Objective: Wheatgrass is known to have several medicinal properties to treat various disorders. Triticum aestivum Linn. is a traditional medicinal plant apparently used for bowel disorders, skin inflammation, infection, mouth sores and wound healing. It is also used for conditions as varied as headache to a folk remedy for diabetes. No data was found for the simultaneous use of it for wound healing and diabetes. The present study was designed to study the wound healing activity with the complications of diabetes. The objective is to help those people suffering from diabetes and not getting relief from pain and wounds.

Methods: The 5% methanolic extract ointment of Triticum aestivum young leaves were evaluated for its wound healing activity in alloxan induced diabetic rats using excision wound model. The percent wound closure and their epitelialisation periods were observed for 16 days.

Result: The wound treated with Triticum aestivum grass extract was healed in very efficient manner and the healing was very close to the standard intadine.

Conclusion: The Triticum aestivum young leaves extract has shown similar wound healing property as compared with intadine. The quercetine and other grass factors present in the extract may be responsible for promoting the wound healing activity.



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How to Cite

Jain, G., N. Jain, and A. Argal. “WOUND HEALING POTENTIAL OF YOUNG LEAVES OF TRITICUM AESTIVUM ON ALLOXAN INDUCED DIABETIC RATS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 2014, pp. 508-13, https://journals.innovareacademics.in/index.php/ijpps/article/view/1599.



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