
  • Mythri H. Department of Public Health Dentistry, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Tumkur 572101. India
  • Sudhanshu Saxena Department of Preventive & Community Dentistry, Hitkarini dental college, Jabalpur. India
  • Ananda S. R. Department of Community Dentistry, Coorg institute of dental sciences, India
  • Chandu G. N. Department of Community Dentistry, Coorg institute of dental sciences, India


Bioallied students, Stress, Career choice, Domains


Health care profession is considered a stressful occupation. Stress in these professions is not just confined to their practice, but is experienced by students within the same academic environment. Stress among students of bioallied sciences (Dental, Nursing, Pharmacy & Ayurvedic) is associated with cognitive impairment and is detrimental to health.

Objective: To know the sources of stress among bioallied science students.

Methods: A cross sectional study design using a modified version of Dental Environment Stress questionnaire (DESQ) was used to assess the stress among Dental, Pharmacy, Ayurvedic and Nursing students.

Results: Dental students showed higher stress domains, followed by Nursing, Pharmacy students being the least.

Conclusion: The findings of this study do not support that student of dental, & allied sciences experience high stress levels overall but, they have important issues and stress level vary according to that for each profession.


Author Biographies

Mythri H., Department of Public Health Dentistry, Sri Siddhartha Dental College, Tumkur 572101. India

Department of public health dentistry.

Sudhanshu Saxena, Department of Preventive & Community Dentistry, Hitkarini dental college, Jabalpur. India

Department of public health Dentistry

Ananda S. R., Department of Community Dentistry, Coorg institute of dental sciences, India

Reader, Department of Public Health Dentistry


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Dental protection, written for dental hygienists & therapists.

Available from Cited on 27/06/14.



How to Cite

H., M., S. Saxena, A. S. R., and C. G. N. “PERCEIVED SOURCES OF STRESS AMONG BIOALLIED SCIENCE STUDENTS OF SOUTH INDIA”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 6, no. 8, Aug. 2014, pp. 335-9,



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