
  • M. ORHAN VAIZOGLU ORVA Ilac A. S. and SEZA Kimyevi Ltd, AOSB, 10047 Sokak, No. 3, Cigli/Izmir/Turkey




Yogurt, Excipient, Dermatological, Topical, Microbiota


In recent years various Microbiomes (Skin, Gut Lumen) of the human body have attracted the attention of different research groups. In the meantime it has been shown that the conventional therapy of different diseases by making use of antibiotics and similar antibacterial treatments may disturb the harmony of the Skin Microbiome, resulting in dysbiosis. There are efforts of using “live” or “tyndallized (lysed)” probiotics in order to treat different diseases of the skin. It is also known that amino acids are one of the important key elements of the skin. In this paper, a hypothesis for the utilization of yogurt as an excipient for various topical dermatological products will be proposed. Yogurt contains significant amounts of; Probiotics (starter cultures), Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals and various Fatty Acids (saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated). Besides, it has been shown that Antimicrobial Peptides (Bacteriocins) are also present in yogurt. Yogurt could eventually be used as an excipient for the production of various topical dermatological products in order to deliver some of the above-mentioned constituents to the Stratum Corneum (Skin) locally.


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How to Cite

VAIZOGLU, M. O. “YOGURT; A NOVEL EXCIPIENT (WITH ITS LYSED BACTERIA, AMINO ACIDS, VITAMINS, FATTY ACIDS, AND MINERALS) FOR “TOPICAL DERMATOLOGICAL PRODUCTS” AND FOR ‘SKIN MICROBIOTA’”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 12, no. 3, Mar. 2020, pp. 94-99, doi:10.22159/ijpps.2020v12i3.36704.


