
  • Rajan Suyambu Bharathidasan University M. R. Government Arts College Mannargudi Tamilnadu India
  • Shalini R Mannargudi, Thiruvarur DT


Hemidesmus indicus root, Antidiarrhoeal activity, Enteropooling, faecal score, Castor oil, Intestinal transit


Objective: To analyse the antidiarrhoeal activity of Hemidesmatus indicus (L) R. Br root aqueous (HIRAE) and ethanolic (HIREE) extracts.

Methods: HIRAE and HIREE at the dose of 100 and 200mg/kg bw was used to assess antidiarrheal activity in albino rats. Antidiarrheal activity was studied with reference to castor oil diarrhea for assessing faecal score, intestinal transit and enteropooling and compared with loperamide.

Results: HIRAE and HIREE significantly reduced the diarrheal effect by decreasing faecal droppings, intestinal transit and intestinal fluid secretions. Ethanolic extract at 200mg/kg bw showed 75.5% protective effect in faecal score, 51.2% in intestinal dropping and 56.6% for intestinal fluid secretion.

Conclusion: Results of this study suggests that Hemidesmus indicus root could be considered as a better antidiarrheal agent



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Author Biography

Rajan Suyambu, Bharathidasan University M. R. Government Arts College Mannargudi Tamilnadu India

Assistant Professor



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How to Cite

Suyambu, R., and S. R. “ANTIDIARRHOEAL ACTIVITY OF AQUEOUS AND ALCOHOLIC EXTRACTS OF HEMIDESMUS INDICUS ROOT”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 3, Mar. 2015, pp. 403-6,



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