Antitussive, Lauq, Munaffis-ī-balgham, Expectorant, Unani medicineAbstract
Cough is a physiological reflex, experienced by every human, is an important protective and defensive mechanism whose action secures the removal of foreign materials and secretions from the airways (larynx, trachea and bronchi). In various circumstances, such as respiratory tract inflammation, viral infections, allergic rhinitis, or inhalation of various irritants, it is unintentionally stimulated and a cough suppressant may be needed to relieve the cough. The currently available cough suppressants (opiates, dextromethorphan, etc.) limit their use in humans due to significant side effects such as constipation, respiratory depression, drowsiness. Lauq Khayar Shambar (LKS) is used as an antitussive in Unani medicine for centuries and is also used to treat various upper respiratory tract ailments such as asthma, dyspnoea, catarrh, productive and dry cough, pharyngitis and laryngitis. So, this review aims to explore the role of LKS in the management of cough.
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