
  • Ilma Nugrahani School of Pharmacy Institute Technology Bandung, Lab Tech VII ITB, Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
  • Kathelea Aulia Kartini School of Pharmacy Institute Technology Bandung, Lab Tech VII ITB


Ibuprofen, Caffeine, Eutectic, Solubility, Hygroscopicity


Objective: Physical interaction between two or more pharmaceutical substance linkaged by hydrogen bonding can improve the physicochemical properties. This research investigated ibuprofen–caffeine physical interaction that never investigated. The research followed by observed the interaction influence towards ibuprofen solubility and hygroscopicity.

Methods: Ibuprofen, caffeine, and a series mixture of ibuprofen-caffeine; before and after neat grinding was characterized with Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA), Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD). Solubility in water was examined by UV VIS Spectrophotometer. Hygroscopicity test was done by stored the physical interaction mixture in the extreme humidity (99% RH); next the water content was determined by Karl Fisher titration.

Results: FTIR spectra C=O stretching showed a little shifting after a neat grinding. DTA thermograms showed the lower melting point compared its components. Diagram phase of the binary system showed first the lowest temperature at 73.7 °C of ratio 1:9 and 145 °C of ratio 8:2. However, diffractogram of ground mixture didn't show any new spectrum, indicated no new crystal phase arranged. Last, solubility and hygroscopicity showed that the physical interaction had the higher value on both parameters compared to each compounds.

Conclusion: Ibuprofen–caffeine indicated to form the physical interaction, which has lower melting point without new crystal phase formation, that is cathegorized as an eutectics interaction. Nevertheless, this eutectic mixture causes the increasing of ibuprofen solubility and hygroscopicity.



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How to Cite

Nugrahani, I., and K. A. Kartini. “STUDY OF PHYSICAL INTERACTION BETWEEN IBUPROFEN AND CAFFEINE AND ITS INFLUENCE ON SOLUBILITY AND HYGROSCOPICITY OF IBUPROFEN”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 2015, pp. 223-7,



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