Nil, Medication, Clinical PharmacistAbstract
Objectives: Patient's knowledge regarding medication dispensed to them is an important factor for the proper use of medicines and their well-being, improving the patient's knowledge, suggesting them with rational ideas on proper usage of medicines yields better results in patient health status.
Methods: A direct observational study was conducted in Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences a south Indian government hospital using the specially designed questionnaire.
Results: Out of 167 cases highest prescribed class of drugs were anti ulceratives (65.2%), followed by NSAID's (63.4%), antifungals were the least (0.59%) prescribed, Out of 167 patients 58% patients were identifying medicines through colour, shape, size of the tablets and syrups, only 42% were able to identify through names, 67% are willing to stop medicines if they feel better without following the physician advice, 71.4% don't even know what drugs have been prescribed for what condition, 64.8% believing that the drugs as a magical remedies for any sort of disease, 43% patients suggesting the same prescription to their intimates, only78.3% of patients said that they discuss the drug effects with physician and 79.5% review the physician frequently, apart from this 86.7% feel that the drug information is essential for their better health.
Conclusion: Wide range of illiteracy and low economic status are playing vital role in the patient's knowledge and usage of drugs by the patients if there is a growth in the literacy rate the circumstances may modify healthier.
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