
  • Ch. Sindhuja Pharm. D Student, 2Faculty, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lam, Guntur 522034,Andhrapradesh,India
  • Sk. Shafiya Begum Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • P. Suryateja AU Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • P. Sudha AU Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Community Pharmacists, Questionnaire, ADR reporting, Awareness


Objective: The objective of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and behavior of community pharmacists towards Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs).

Methods: A questionnaire based survey was held for a period of one month among community pharmacists in the Amalapuram Mandal of East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh. Questionnaire containing the demographic details, knowledge, attitude and behavior towards ADRs was used to conduct the study. The collected data were analyzed using statistical tool (SAS).

Results: Out of the 50 community pharmacists Nine (18%) had respondents knowledge about ADRs and Nine (18%) respondents are from the Pharmacy education background. Among the fifty respondents, Four (8%) participants knew about the National Pharmacovigilance Program (NPP) and three (6%) were aware of regional reporting centers.

Conclusion: Our study concluded that the majority of the pharmacists were unaware of Adverse Drug Reactions and the National Pharmacovigilance Program. The survey has shown that community pharmacists in Amalapuram are having least knowledge towards the ADRs.



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Author Biography

Ch. Sindhuja, Pharm. D Student, 2Faculty, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Chalapathi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Lam, Guntur 522034,Andhrapradesh,India

Department of pharmacy practice


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How to Cite

Sindhuja, C., S. S. Begum, P. Suryateja, and P. Sudha. “KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR OF COMMUNITY PHARMACISTS TOWARDS ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 2015, pp. 258-61,



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