
  • Saminathan Kayarohanam JNTUH
  • S. Kavimani Mother Theresa Institute of Health Sciences, Puducherry, India


Aqueous methanolic, Dolichandrone atrovirens leaf extract (DALE), Dolichandrone atrovirens bark extracts (DABE), Acute Toxicity, Sub acute toxicity


Objective: The present study was to evaluate the oral toxicity of acute and sub acute studies of methanol leaf and bark extract of Dolichandrone atrovirens

Methods: In acute toxicity studies of aqueous methanolic Dolichandrone atrovirens leaf extract(DALE) and Dolichandrone atrovirens bark extracts (DABE) (in 0.3 % sodium CMC) as a single dose (2000 mg/kg) was administered to the Swiss albino mice (20-25 g) by oral route and the animals were observed for mortality and any toxic symptoms up to 14 days. In sub acute toxicity studies the DALE and DABE were administered daily for 28 days at doses ranging from 200-400 mg/kg. The animals were found in signs of toxicity, morbidity and mortality for 28 days. The animals were submitted to observe the serum biochemical markers and weight of the vital organs.

Results: The results of 14 days acute toxicity studies up to a dose of 2000 mg/kg of the aqueous methanolic DABE and DALE neither produced mortality nor shows any symptoms of behavior or any physiological changes in body weight, food and water intake. 28 days sub acute studies repeated doses of oral toxicity did not show any toxic signs or any mortality when three doses 200 and 400 mg/kg of the methanolic leaf and bark extracts of Dolichandrone atrovirens administered. No significant changes were integrated in biochemical and hematological parameters when compared with the control group.

Conclusion: From the results it is concluded that the dose at 400 mg/kg is safe for long term treatment in diabetic conditions.



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How to Cite

Kayarohanam, S., and S. Kavimani. “ACUTE AND SUB-ACUTE TOXICITY STUDY OF AQUEOUS METHANOLIC LEAF AND BARK EXTRACT OF DOLICHANDRONE ATROVIRENS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 63-65,



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