
  • Jayshree Nellore Sathyabama University
  • Aparna Sahajan Sathyabama University
  • Deepti Antony Sathyabama University
  • Cynthia Pauline P Sathyabama University
  • S. Karthick Raja Namasivayam Sathyabama University


Paraquat, Locomotion, Mitochondria, Fragaria ananassa, Proteinaceous compounds


Objectives: To assess the Parkinson like locomotor and mitochondrial alterations, associated with the exposure of paraquat (PQ), in vivo preventive effect of proteinaceous compounds extracted from Fragaria ananassa fruit (FA-D) against mitochondrial dysfunction induced by paraquat in zebra fish using brain mitochondria.

Methods: Parkinson like locomotor and mitochondrial alterations were resulted by intra peritoneal administration of 55 mM PQ alternatively for a period of 7 days. The water soluble proteinaceous compounds from Fragaria ananassa fruit were obtained by Ammonium sulphate fractionation. The molecular weight of FA-D fraction was determined by SDS-PAGE and we found three distinct bands at 20.0 kDa, 17.0 kDa and 14.4.0 kDa bands respectively. The in vitro antioxidant activity and the in vivo preventive effect of FA-D against PQ induced Parkinsonian symptoms was evaluated by different assay systems viz., in vitro: radical scavenging activity by DPPH reaction and in vivo: locomotion, dopamine levels, complex-I activity, mitochondrial ROS levels, cytochrome c release and mitochondrial morphology.

Results: The results show that paraquat altered locomotor activity and increased dopamine levels. Mitochondria isolated from paraquat treated zebrafish showed a marked inhibition of complex-I activity, increase in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mt ROS) and cytochrome c release and disintegration of mitochondrial structure. Treatment of 0.25 mg/kg body weight of FA-D fraction once in alternative days, for 5 days subsequent to the administration of PQ alternatively for a period of 7days, substantially reduced mt ROS levels and markedly restored the complex-I activity, cytochrome c release and mitochondrial morphology.

Conclusion: The results strongly suggest that proteinaceous compounds from Fragaria ananassa fruit recuperate paraquat induced Parkinsonian like symptoms by protecting the mitochondria.



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Author Biographies

Jayshree Nellore, Sathyabama University

Research Head, Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Bio and Chemical Engineering

Aparna Sahajan, Sathyabama University

Department of Biotechnology


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How to Cite

Nellore, J., A. Sahajan, D. Antony, C. P. P, and S. K. R. Namasivayam. “PROTEINACEOUS COMPOUNDS FROM FRAGARIA ANANASSA FRUIT ATTENUATES PARAQUAT INDUCED PARKINSON LIKE LOCOMOTOR AND MITOCHONDRIAL ALTERATIONS IN ZEBRAFISH”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 246-51,



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