
  • V. R. Krishna Raju Mantena Department of Pharmacology,Gland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kothapet,Narsapur, Medak Dist, A. P.
  • G. Tejaswini Department of Pharmacology,Gland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kothapet,Narsapur, Medak Dist, A. P.


Erythrina variegata, Anti-inflammatory, Carrageenan induced paw edema, Cotton pellet granuloma


Objective: Erythrina variegata had been widely used for its reported biological activity in indigenous system of medicine. The present investigation was carried out to find the anti-inflammatory effect of ethanolic extract of Erythrina variegata in albino rats.

Methods: The anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using acute inflammatory model like carrageenan induced paw edema and chronic inflammatory model like cotton pellet induced granuloma respectively.

Results: The ethanolic extract in different doses (200, and 400mg/kg, p. o) exhibited dose dependent and significant antiinflammatory activity in acute and chronic model of inflammation.

Conclusion: The alcoholic extract of Erythrina variegata has anti-inflammatory activity. This activity was related to the dose and these results corroborate the potential traditional use of the plant in folk medicine.


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How to Cite

Mantena, V. R. K. R., and G. Tejaswini. “ANTI INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY OF ERYTHRINA VARIEGATA”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 4, Apr. 2015, pp. 386-8,



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