
  • Praful P. Patel Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, JJT University, Jhunjunu, Rajasthan, India
  • Naitikumar D. Trivedi Department of Pharmacology, A. R., College of Pharmacy, Anand, Gujarat, India


Karanja seed oil, Karanjin, Furanoflavonoid, Pongamol, Diketone


Objective: Study was undertaken with the objective, to develop simple, high yielding and economic method for the isolation as well as analysis of Karanjin and Pongamol from Karanja oil.

Methods: Karanja oil was subjected to extraction with methanol. Methanol extract was washed with little quantity of pet ether for removal of residual oil. Resultant extract was dissolved in a sufficient quantity of methanol and kept aside for 6 hours,a white precipitate formed which was subjected to repeated crystallization to get karanjin (1K). Residue obtains after precipitate removal was concentrated into half and extracted with dilute acetic acid and kept aside for 48 hours. A pale yellow crystals were formed on the side wall,collected it and chromatographed over the column with hexane and ethyl acetate (95:5) to obtain pure Pongamol (2P). Karanjin and Pongamol was analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).

Results: Yield of Karanjin was 35.5 g (0.89 %) and pongamol was 27.3 g (0.68 %) from 4 l of Karanja oil. HPLC method developed for the analysis of karanjin and pongamol produce results which comply with USP standards. Both compounds fail to produce a significant antibacterial effect on gram positive and negative bacteria as well as on pathogenic fungi and yeast.

Conclusion: This method for isolation is simple, economic and gives good yields of karanjin & pongamol from Karanja oil and HPLC method for the analysis of karanjin and pongamol is suitable for simultaneous estimation and reliable.



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Author Biography

Praful P. Patel, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, JJT University, Jhunjunu, Rajasthan, India

Pharmaceutical Sciences, Research Scholar


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How to Cite

Patel, P. P., and N. D. Trivedi. “SIMPLE, EFFICIENT AND ECONOMIC METHOD FORISOLATION AND ANALYSIS OF KARANJIN AND PONGAMOL FROM KARANJA SEED OIL AND SCREENING OF ANTIMICROBIAL POTENTIAL”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 7, July 2015, pp. 248-52,



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