
  • Prasanna Anjaneya Reddy L. Deparment of Botany, Osmania University, Hyderabad, Telangana 500007, India
  • Venkata Ratnam K. Rayalaseema University
  • Bhakshu Md. Lepakshi Government College for Men, Kadapa
  • Veeranjaneya Reddy L. Yogi Vemana University
  • Narasimha Reddy B. Osmania University


Syzygium alternifolium, S samarangense, Essential oils, GC-MS analysis, Antimicrobial activity, DPPH scavenging activity


Objective: The present investigation is carried out to study the chemical composition, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of essential oils of two Syzygium species i.e. Syzygium alternifolium (SA) and S. samarangense (SS) leaves.

Methods: The essential oils from S. alternifolium (SA) and S. samarangense (SS) leaves were obtained by hydro-distillation and analyzed by GC and GC-MS. The oils were subjected to antimicrobial and antioxidant activities by using in vitro methods.

Results: Essential oils (EOs) obtained by hydro distillation were analyzed through GC and GC-MS and resulted 25 compounds from each sample. SA leaf oil was dominated by monoterpene hydrocarbons (53.53%) of which, β-mercene (24.04%), β-pinene (9.23%), β-trans-ocimene (9.2%), cyclofenchene (7.21%) and β-cis-ocimene (2.1%). Whereas SS leaf oil was dominated by sesquiterpene components i.e. viridiflorol (15.05%) α-cubebene (7.71%) and monoterpenes, i.e. β-pinene (11.64%), α-pinene (9.61%) and α-terpineol (5.19%). Both essential oils exhibited strong and broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial results showed that SA-leaf oil strongly inhibited Candida rugosa (CR), Bacillus subtilis (BS) and Staphyloccus aureus (ST), whereas SS-leaf oil strongly inhibited CR and Escherichia coli (EC). Among the test organisms, CR was strongly inhibited by both oils by expression of the lowest minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC). Further, both the test EOs exhibited concentration dependent DPPH scavenging activity indicating the significant antioxidant property.

Conclusion: Syzygium alternifolium and S. samarangense leaf essential oils are the good source of natural antimicrobial and antioxidant compounds, which can be used as natural therapeutic agents against human pathogenic organisms.



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How to Cite

L., P. A. R., V. R. K., B. M. Lepakshi, V. R. L., and N. R. B. “INVESTIGATION OF CHEMICAL AND PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ESSENTIAL OILS FROM TWO SYZYGIUM SPECIES OF ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 2015, pp. 375-80,



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