
  • Abdel Moneim A. Physiology Division, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Beni-Sueif University, Egypt
  • Morsy B. M. Biochemistry Division, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Sueif University
  • Bo-seif M. A. Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Sueif University
  • Zanaty M. I. Biochemistry Division, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Beni-Sueif University


Chronic hepatitis C, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, Peginterferon and ribavirin


Objective:The present study aimed to determine whether type 2 diabetes mellitus influences the response to antiviral therapy with peg-interferon alpha plus ribavirin in Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C.

Methods:All patients were treated with peginterferon alpha 2 b (1.5 μg/Kg/body weight) subcutaneously plus oral ribavirin application in a dose ranging from 800-1200 mg/day and followed after 12 w of therapy.

Results: The present study indicated that, non-significant changes were observed in liver function, kidney function, thyroid function tests, tumor marker, immunological analysis, hematological parameters, viral load and degree of cirrhosis between both groups’ baselines, while the only significant difference was regarded in glucose level. However, diabetic group showed a significant decrease in response to antiviral therapy as compared to non-diabetic hepatitis C virus (HCV) patients. Furthermore, significant decrease in serum liver enzymes activity and total bilirubin level as compared to baseline levels in both groups, while there were a significant increase in alanine transaminase (ALT) activity and total bilirubin level in diabetic group as compared to non-diabetic HCV group after treatment. Also, significant decreases in hemoglobin concentration, white blood cells and platelet counts, in both groups after treatment as compared to there before treatment while diabetic group showed significant decreases in hemoglobin concentration and white blood cells count when compared with non-diabetic HCV group after treatment.

Conclusion: Type 2 diabetes mellitus influence the response to antiviral therapy with peginterferon plus ribavirin in Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C.


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How to Cite

A., A. M., M. B. M., B.- seif M. A., and Z. M. I. “THE EFFECTS OF DIABETES MELLITUS ON THE RESPONSE TO PEGINTERFERON-ALPHA IN COMBINATION WITH RIBAVIRIN THERAPY IN EGYPTIAN CHRONIC HEPATITIS C PATIENTS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 2015, pp. 27-34,



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