
  • Gazem Abdulrashedabdulkhaleq Ramzi Department of Biochemistry, Yuvaraja’s College, University of Mysore, Karnataka, India 570005
  • Honnalagere Ramesh Puneeth University of Mysore
  • Chakkere Shivmadhu Madhu University of Mysore
  • Angatahally Chandrashekaraiah Sharada University of Mysore


Flaxseed oil, Proximate analysis, Cytotoxic, Anti-inflammatory


Objective: To determine the composition of flaxseed oil and Spirulina platensis oil and to evaluate their biological activities either alone or in combination by in-vitro studies.

Methods: Proximate analysis of flaxseeds and S. platensis powder, followed by compositional analysis of oil by gas chromatography was conducted. Cytotoxic studies were performed by MTT and trypan blue dye exclusion assay. Hypoglycemic studies were assessed by glucose uptake assay using porcine diaphragm and by gluconeogenesis assay using rat liver slices. Anti-denaturation assay and HRBC membrane assay were conducted to evaluate the anti-inflammatory properties.

Results: α-linolenic acid (ALA) was the predominant component of flaxseed oil while γ-linolenic acid was found only in S. platensis oil. In all the experiments, S. platensis oil and flaxseed oil alone exhibited prominent anticancer, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory activities. Whereas, all the above activities were reduced in the combination studies irrespective of the ratio of the mixture of oils used.

Conclusion: The results clearly suggested that the combination of S. platensis oil and flaxseed oil does not have any synergistic properties, indeed the combination of oils induced antagonistic effects on their biological properties.



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How to Cite

Ramzi, G. A., H. R. Puneeth, C. S. Madhu, and A. C. Sharada. “ANTAGONISTIC EFFECTS OF COMBINATION OF FLAXSEED OIL AND SPIRULINA PLATENSIS OIL ON THEIR BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 13, Oct. 2015, pp. 122-7,

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