
  • FLOR IVETT REYES GUILLÉN PhD from El Colegio de la Frontera Sur. Teacher-Researcher of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Autonomous University of Chiapas, Mexico; President of the Research Network in Public Health and Care for Development Problems, REINVESAD; Research line: Cognitive Analysis for the Interpretation of Social Processes and Development; Society, Sustainability and Health; Member of the Academic Corps, Society, Culture, and Education; Calle Presidente Obregón s/n Fracc.




Menopause, Meaning of life, Culture of fear, Old age, Quality of life


In this article, an analysis of the results found in a research whose objective was to know the perceptions of women about menopause and its relationship with the culture of fear is presented. Information was obtained through structured interviews. The analysis focused on the recognition of its importance and the presence of fear before this stage of life. Likewise, the results were analyzed in relation to the importance of the meaning of life as the goal of human existence, without forgetting the relationship of this theme with fear. Fear was an agent of control of our aspirations and the identification of our scope. Important results were obtained in relation to both the fear of old age and the fear of death. A group of women under the age of forty and a group of women over the age of 40 years were interviewed. The young women who participated in the study expressed fear of death, and they are saddened to leave unfinished projects; while the fear reflected by older women generates that same sadness but directed only to the purely familiar aspects.


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How to Cite

GUILLÉN, F. I. R. (2021). WOMEN´S PERCEPTIONS OF MENOPAUSE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE MEANING OF LIFE AND THE CULTURE O FEAR. Innovare Journal of Social Sciences, 9(5), 19–21. https://doi.org/10.22159/ijss.2021.v9i5.42504



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