Cytokinin, Dormancy, Gibberellic acid, Growth regulators, SproutingAbstract
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a highly sensitive crop to tuber dormancy. This can be initiated by various factors, including moisture stress, high or low temperature, day length, hormonal imbalance, and heredity. Breaking of tuber dormancy is therefore important for seed potato multiplication, rapid post-harvest disease testing, and early production in the field or green house. Cytokinin (CK) and gibberellin (GA) in combination will terminate dormancy and increase sprout growth earlier than using GAs alone. And also using only CK will terminate dormancy earlier than using GAs alone, but subsequent sprout growth will be hampered. In this review, the current knowledge and possible utilization of CK and GA, which can be used for termination of dormancy and sprout growth of potato tubers, have been reviewed and discussed. The role of CK and GA to mitigate the harmful effects of endogenous and environmental stresses in potato sprouting is also examined. In addition, numerous biochemical and physiological processes principal to improved potato sprouting under the consequence of these hormones are discoursed in detail.
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