Maltodextrin dextrose equivalent 10-15, Fast-disintegrating tablets, Pregelatinized cassava starchAbstract
Objective: Fast-disintegrating tablets are a pharmaceutical preparation that is rapidly being developed because they can dissolve in the oral cavity
without chewing and without additional water support. The type of dissolver is a crucial component in fast-disintegrating tablets. Maltodextrin and
pregelatinized cassava starch (PPS) are excipients that can be used as dissolvers. This study aimed to formulate fast-disintegrating tablets using a
combination of maltodextrin dextrose equivalent (DE) 10-15 and PPS in various concentrations as excipients.
Methods: The cassava starch classified as PPS was obtained. PPS was then mixed with maltodextrin DE 10-15 to create fast-disintegrating tablets
using the wet granulation method.
Results: Tablet evaluation showed that formula F containing 40% maltodextrin DE 10-15 and 10% PPS was the most effective of the proposed fastdisintegrating
Conclusions: Formula F has a hardness of 3.39 kp, 0.74% friability, a wetting time of 7.87 seconds, and a dissolve time of 38.55 seconds.
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