Moringa oleifera, Dental plaque, Early childhood caries (ECC)Abstract
Objective: This study aimed to look at the activity of the extract solution of moringa oleifera on plaque formation of children with ECC when used as a mouthwash.
Methods: This study used a pre-test/post-test design with the control group. A total of 30 people were chosen that suffer from ECC. Samples were divided into three groups: the treatment groups were given a solution of 5% and 10% moringa oleifera extract, and the control group was given a distilled water rinse. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 for Windows.
Results: The Independent t-test showed a significant difference before and after rinsing with moringa oleifera extract solutions (p<0.05). The average OHIS increased in the control group from 2.41±0.72 before rinsing with distilled water and 2.53±0.69 after. The treatment group’s average OHIS decreased at 5% concentration from 2.66±0.90 before treatment and 2.29±0.95 after treatment. The 10% concentration group also decreased from 2.51±0.89 before treatment to 1.82±0.75 after treatment.
Conclusion: Providing a solution of moringa oleifera extract at 5% and 10% concentrations can inhibit the formation of dental plaque where the 10% concentration is more effective than 5%. There are significant differences in the mean plaque score between the control group and the treatment group 5% and 10%. The 10% treatment group plaque scores were lower than the control group.
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