
  • PUTU NITA CAHYAWATI Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Warmadewa University, Bali, Indonesia




Cardiac histopathology, Subtotal 56 nephrectomy, Simvastatin, Myofibrils


Objective: This study aims to assess the condition of cardiac histopathology through hematoxylin-eosin staining in 5/6 subtotal nephrectomy
Methods: Fifteen male Swiss mice aged 3–5 months will be grouped into 3 treatment groups, namely the nephrectomy group (JSN, n=5), sham
operation (JSO, n=5), and simvastatin 20 mg/kg body weight (JSIM, n=5). The histopathology of the heart will be assessed blindly. Severity is assessed
based on scoring using a scale (−) no damage, (+) mild, (++) medium, and (+++) heavy. Assessment of severity refers to the irregularity of the heart
muscle, increased amount of connective tissue, myofibril hypertrophy, myofibril swelling, sarcoplasmic fragmentation, sarcoplasmic vacuolization,
bleeding in a myofibril, myofibril degeneration, cardiomyocyte damage, and the presence of acidophilic cytoplasm.
Results: The results showed no morphological changes in heart muscle tissue in the JSO group except for fragmentation and vacuolization in minimal
amounts of sarcoplasm (+), whereas in the JSN and JSIM groups, there was moderate damage to sarcoplasm (++) and minimal changes in myofibrils
(hypertrophy and bleeding) (+). The JSN group also found severe damage (+++) to the irregularity of the heart muscle, whereas in JSIM, only moderate
damage was found (++) to the irregularity of the heart muscle.
Conclusion: Simvastatin seems to be able to correct the irregularity of the heart muscle in the condition of 5/6 subtotal nephrectomy.



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How to Cite

CAHYAWATI, P. N. (2019). EFFECT OF SIMVASTATIN ON HISTOPATHOLOGY OF THE HEART AFTER 5/6 SUBTOTAL NEPHRECTOMY. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics, 11(5), 131–133. https://doi.org/10.22159/ijap.2019.v11s5.T0105



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