Cassytha filiformis, Pregnancy development, Fetal number, Death, Fetal defectAbstract
The impact of Cassytha filiformis butanol fraction to the pregnancy and fetal development had been conducted. The fertilized mice were treated with
butanol fraction of C. filiformis at doses of 2.5; 5; 10; and 20 mg/kg of body weight (BW) orally for 5 consecutive days during first, second, and third
periods of pregnancy. Parent BW was monitored and the fetal number, BW, death and/or resorptive site and defect were measured. ANOVA followed
by Duncan multiple range test (significance at p<0.05) was performed to analyze data. The parent weight was reduced according to fraction dose
and the period of pregnancy and the interaction of those factors (p<0.01). Only one mouse treated during the first period became pregnant with less
fetus number (p<0.05) but all of treated during the second and third period but death, resorptive site and underdeveloped fetus were found. These
indicated the butanol fraction of C. filiformis produced infertility and slowed pregnancy development and produce fetal defect on mice.
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