
  • GEORGE EASAW Area Chair, Operations Management, School of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore, India
  • MIHIR DASH Area Chair, General Management, School of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore, India




E-learning, Emerging economies, Stakeholder involvement, Feedback-based e-learning model, Low acceptability


Though e-learning is broadly accepted across the education spectrum as an effective teaching-learning medium, its acceptance is found very wanting. This paper looks at the basic process of innovation that can induce teaching faculty in India to take up e-learning and to understand how innovative teaching-learning processes like e-learning can be applied to education. It goes on further to identify and understand some of the broadly accepted reasons for the low acceptability and usage with the help of an online survey. The survey was used to study what motivates the student and teacher to take e-learning as an effective pedagogy and to answer some of the pertinent problems relating to its low acceptability. The analysis of the survey results is given. A new “stakeholder involvement and feedback based” theoretical model is proposed explaining how to implement e-learning effectively in educational institutions in India. Some possible suggestions like effective problem-solving tools like Total Quality Management (TQM) to help overcome the drawbacks in the system are also proposed.


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How to Cite

EASAW, G., & DASH, M. (2021). A STUDY ON ACCEPTABILITY OF E-LEARNING IN INDIAN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. Innovare Journal of Education, 9(6), 16–23. https://doi.org/10.22159/ijoe.2021v9i6.42813



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